New technological possibilities and more open social structures influence the way we interact with each other – and thus also how we work together.
Bench working, i.e. working together at one large table, reflects these developments. Whether temporary work, event-driven use by project teams or permanently assigned team workstations: with Sedus get together you have a multifunctional bench solution that satisfies all requirements of modern working.
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa | Aasia | Afrikka |
Ahvenanmaa | Afganistan | Egypti |
Alankomaat | Arabiemiirikunnat | |
Albania | Armenia | |
Andorra | Azerbaidžan | |
Belgia | Bahrain | |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina | Bangladesh | |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | |
Espanja | Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue | |
Färsaaret | Brunei | |
Gibraltar | Etelä-Korea | |
Guernsey | Filippiinit | |
Huippuvuoret | Georgia | |
Irlanti | Hong Kong | |
Islanti | Indonesia | |
Italia | Intia | |
Itävalta | Irak | |
Jersey | Iran | |
Kreikka | Israel | |
Kroatia | Japani | |
Kypros | Jemen | |
Latvia | Jordania | |
Liechtenstein | Joulusaari | |
Liettua | Kambodža | |
Luxemburg | Kazakstan | |
Malta | Kiina | |
Mansaari | Kirgisia | |
Moldova | Kookossaaret | |
Monaco | Kuwait | |
Montenegro | Laos | |
Norja | Libanon | |
Pohjois-Makedonia | Macao | |
Portugali | Malediivit | |
Puola | Malesia | |
Ranska | Mongolia | |
Romania | Myanmar (Burma) | |
Ruotsi | Nepal | |
Saksa | Oman | |
San Marino | Pakistan | |
Serbia | Palestiinalaisalueet | |
Slovakia | Pohjois-Korea | |
Slovenia | Qatar | |
Suomi | Saudi-Arabia | |
Sveitsi | Singapore | |
Tanska | Sri Lanka | |
Tsekin tasavalta | Syyria | |
Ukraina | Tadžikistan | |
Unkari | Taiwan | |
Valko-Venäjä | Thaimaa | |
Vatikaanivaltio | Turkki | |
Venäjä | Turkmenistan | |
Viro | Uzbekistan | |
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta | Vietnam |