Gyproc®Gyptone Big Quattro41 Board 12.5mm.
The Gyptone range of perforated, pre-finished gypsum boards offers a high performance and outstanding quality ceiling while still providing limitless design options for the interiors of a wide variety of buildings. Gyptone unites distinctive designs, gypsum’s durability and superb sound absorption characteristics. It also offers easy maintenance and enables redecoration without affecting acoustic performance.Alueellinen saatavuus
Aasia |
Armenia |
Azerbaidžan |
Bangladesh |
Bhutan |
Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue |
Brunei |
Etelä-Korea |
Filippiinit |
Georgia |
Hong Kong |
Indonesia |
Intia |
Japani |
Joulusaari |
Kambodža |
Kazakstan |
Kiina |
Kirgisia |
Kookossaaret |
Laos |
Macao |
Malediivit |
Malesia |
Mongolia |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Nepal |
Pakistan |
Pohjois-Korea |
Singapore |
Sri Lanka |
Tadžikistan |
Taiwan |
Thaimaa |
Turkmenistan |
Uzbekistan |
Vietnam |