Fibrexpan® provides triple (or even quadruple) performance due to its fire resistance, thermal insulation and acoustic protection (correction + attenuation)
What is Fibrexpan®
Projiso’s Fibrexpan® is a spray-on coating for thermal insulation of surfaces not exposed to the weather, for acoustic attenuation and correction and for fire proofing. Fibrexpan® is a dry material composed of slag wool, hydraulic and semi-synthetic binders and various additives, supplied in the form of light flakes.
Fibrexpan® is ACERMI certified with respect to conductivity and thermal resistance values
What are the key features of Fibrexpan®
Fibrexpan® is a multi-functional product with a range of features: it is rot-proof, non-combustible and easy to work with. It can be stored for a maximum of 12 months as from the date of manufacture in unopened packaging. Storage conditions: protect from frost, moisture, excessive heat and excessive radiant sunlight.
Fibrexpan® is packaged in 20-kg plastic bags.
The information given in this technical document is based on actual testing and is believed to be product specific. No guarantee of results is however implicit, the conditions of use remaining beyond our control.
Fibrexpan® areas of application
Fibrexpan® is a spray-on coating used for thermal insulation, acoustic attenuation and correction and fire protection.
Fibrexpan ® can be sprayed onto concrete floors and structures, concrete beam and slab floors for thermal insulation, fire proofing, acoustic correction and attenuation.
Fibrexpan ® can be sprayed onto concrete slabs with structural steel trays for thermal insulation and acoustic attenuation.
Fibrexpan® can be sprayed on other substrates for thermal insulation, using the appropriate bonding agent beforehand.
Fibrexpan ® implementation techniques
Fibrexpan® is a spray-on coating. The spraying technique, also known as flocking, consists in applying Fibrexpan® fibres under pressure, using special machines.
The sprayed thickness will be defined according to the desired rating for fire resistance, thermal resistance, alpha w or sound attenuation. Fibrexpan® can be applied in thicknesses of up to 240 mm, without intermediate reinforcement (except at altitudes above 900 m)
The machine generally comprises a feed hopper, a carding device, a blowing device (fan, turbine or blower), a hose for conveying the mixture to be sprayed. A spray gun and water.
The product is carded in the machine and then conveyed through a hose to a spray gun using compressed air. Water-fed nozzles are placed around the hose outlet to wet the product before it is sprayed onto the substrate.
A bonding agent that is suitable for the substrate must be applied before the coating is sprayed on:
Projiso Fixo B® is used for concrete
Projiso Fixo M® is used for metal substrates
Projiso Fixo M+® can be used on both difficult substrates.
he applied coating will be finished with Projiso Fixo Dur® or Sidairless®
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa | Aasia | Pohjois-Amerikka | Afrikka | Etelä-Amerikka | Oseania |
Ahvenanmaa | Afganistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentiina | Amerikan Samoa |
Alankomaat | Arabiemiirikunnat | Antigua ja Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Albania | Armenia | Aruba | Benin | Brasilia | Cooksaaret |
Andorra | Azerbaidžan | Bahamasaaret | Botswana | Chile | Fidzi |
Belgia | Bahrain | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Ecuador | Guam |
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina | Bangladesh | Belize | Burundi | Falklandinsaaret (Malvinassaaret) | Kiribati |
Bulgaria | Bhutan | Bermuda | Djibouti | Guyana | Marshallsaaret |
Espanja | Brittiläinen Intian valtameren alue | Brittiläiset Neitsytsaaret | Egypti | Kolumbia | Mikronesian liittovaltio |
Färsaaret | Brunei | Caribbean Netherlands | Eritrea | Paraguay | Nauru |
Gibraltar | Etelä-Korea | Caymansaaret | Etelä-Afrikka | Peru | Niue |
Guernsey | Filippiinit | Costa Rica | Etelä-Sudan | Ranskan Guayana | Norfolkinsaari |
Huippuvuoret | Georgia | Curaçao | Etiopia | Surinam | Palau |
Irlanti | Hong Kong | Dominica | Gabon | Uruguay | Papua-Uusi-Guinea |
Islanti | Indonesia | Dominikaaninen tasavalta | Gambia | Venezuela | Pitcairnsaaret |
Italia | Intia | El Salvador | Ghana | Pohjois-Mariaanit | |
Itävalta | Irak | Grenada | Guinea | Ranskan Polynesia | |
Jersey | Iran | Grönlanti | Guinea-Bissau | Salomonsaaret | |
Kreikka | Israel | Guadeloupe | Kamerun | Samoa | |
Kroatia | Japani | Guatemala | Kap Verde | Timor-Leste | |
Kypros | Jemen | Haiti | Kenia | Tokelau | |
Latvia | Jordania | Honduras | Keski-Afrikan tasavalta | Tonga | |
Liechtenstein | Joulusaari | Jamaika | Komorit | Tuvalu | |
Liettua | Kambodža | Kanada | Kongo | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Luxemburg | Kazakstan | Kuuba | Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta | Uusi-Kaledonia | |
Malta | Kiina | Martinique | Länsi-Sahara | Uusi-Seelanti | |
Mansaari | Kirgisia | Meksiko | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
Moldova | Kookossaaret | Montserrat | Liberia | Wallis ja Futuna | |
Monaco | Kuwait | Nicaragua | Libya | ||
Montenegro | Laos | Panama | Madagaskar | ||
Norja | Libanon | Puerto Rico | Malawi | ||
Pohjois-Makedonia | Macao | Saint Kitts ja Nevis | Mali | ||
Portugali | Malediivit | Saint Lucia | Marokko | ||
Puola | Malesia | Saint Vincent ja Grenadiinit | Mauritania | ||
Ranska | Mongolia | Saint-Barthélemy | Mauritius | ||
Romania | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint-Martin | Mayotte | ||
Ruotsi | Nepal | Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon | Mosambik | ||
Saksa | Oman | Sint Maarten | Namibia | ||
San Marino | Pakistan | Trinidad ja Tobago | Niger | ||
Serbia | Palestiinalaisalueet | Turks- ja Caicossaaret | Nigeria | ||
Slovakia | Pohjois-Korea | Yhdysvallat | Norsunluurannikko | ||
Slovenia | Qatar | Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret | Päiväntasaajan Guinea | ||
Suomi | Saudi-Arabia | Reunion | |||
Sveitsi | Singapore | Ruanda | |||
Tanska | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |||
Tsekin tasavalta | Syyria | Sambia | |||
Ukraina | Tadžikistan | São Tomé ja Príncipe | |||
Unkari | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
Valko-Venäjä | Thaimaa | Seychellit | |||
Vatikaanivaltio | Turkki | Sierra Leone | |||
Venäjä | Turkmenistan | Somalia | |||
Viro | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |||
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta | Vietnam | Swasimaa | |||
Tansania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tsad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zimbabwe |