Julkaise tuotteesi
Panel Tecnipure eps metal sheet
Panel Tecnipure eps metal sheet

    Panel Tecnipure eps metal sheet

    Sandwich panel suitable for use in clean rooms in the pharmaceutical and other industries performing clean room work, as it allows repair and maintenance operations, does not present any danger to the quality of the products and can be cleaned and/or disinfected according to the procedures defined by the manufacturer.
    Tekniset tiedot
    • Yksilöity viitepanel_tecnipure_eps_sheet
    • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
    • Julkaisupäivä2024-10-22
    • Painoksen numero1
    • BIMobject-luokkaSeinät - Kerroslevyt
    • OmniClass-numero23-15 11 00
    • OmniClass-nimikeSpace Division Products