Rounding dough by hand is the most time-consuming, labor-intrusive and inconsistent aspect of the dough making process.
The R10T Dough Rounder solves this by drastically reducing labor costs while increasing consistency and productivity.
The R10T is an innovative and deceptively simple machine: drop dough portions in the vibrating track, and watch as they come out round and perfectly closed, ready to rise. With no need to adjust the machine for dough ball size or weight, the R10T can significantly reduce labor hours.
The R10T is a semi-industrial pizza dough rounder machine manufactured with premium quality materials such as extra-thick steel for the base and anodized aluminum for the two cones. The vibrating track is coated in Teflon® to ensure the smooth passage of dough and reduce any clogging.
Unlike other appliances, the deceptively simple operation of the R10T dough rounder allows for continuous monitoring by eye, with no secret hidden nooks or crannies. The machine is also designed to be easily disassembled for cleaning without special tools.
The R10T processes each dough portion up to 50 times to produce a perfectly closed round dough ball. The results are equal to the skill of a master pizzaiolo working by hand.
Alueellinen saatavuus
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Slovenia | Qatar | Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret | Päiväntasaajan Guinea | ||
Suomi | Saudi-Arabia | Reunion | |||
Sveitsi | Singapore | Ruanda | |||
Tanska | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |||
Tsekin tasavalta | Syyria | Sambia | |||
Ukraina | Tadžikistan | São Tomé ja Príncipe | |||
Unkari | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
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Vatikaanivaltio | Turkki | Sierra Leone | |||
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Viro | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |||
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta | Vietnam | Swasimaa | |||
Tansania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tsad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zimbabwe |