Ecoglo®’s M4.125-N30 Non-Slip Anodized Aluminum Tile Stair Nosing provides clear step-edge visibility and excellent non-slip protection to any tiled stair. Thanks to our patented manufacturing process, our non-slip strips have been integrally bonded into the anodized aluminum stair nosing to provide non-slip protection in all conditions. This stair nosing is available in 3 colors, to ensure stark color contrast in any facility. Industry leading in durability, our aluminum stair nosing can withstand even the heaviest foot traffic, without showing signs of wear and tear. Designed specifically for use on tiled stairs, our non-slip stair nosing installs flush with the surface, further increasing the safety in your facility by reducing the risk of trips and falls in your stairways. With Ecoglo®’s non-slip tile stair nosing you can add strength, beauty and unmatched safety to the tiled stairs in your facility.
*The M4.125 tile nosing profile is compatiable with tiles that are between 3/8” and 1/2″ (9mm and 12.5mm) thick
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