Thermostatic electronic shower panel - top inlets:
Anodised aluminium and chrome-plated satin finish panel.
Extra flat structure with concealed fixings.
Battery-operated with CR123 6V Lithium batteries.
Infrared presence detection. Shower starts when hand is moved towards the sensor (detection distance ~4cm).
Shuts off voluntarily or automatically after ~60 seconds.
Duty flush (~60 seconds every 24 hours after the last use).
Flow rate 6 lpm at 3 bar.
Tamperproof, scale-resistant fixed shower head with automatic flow rate regulation.
Accessible filters and non-return valves.
Integrated stopcocks.
M½" connections for top inlets.
Electronic shower panel suitable for people with reduced mobility.
30-year warranty.
SECURITHERM technology:
Thermostatic shower mixer directly integrated in the head of the shower panel.
Temperature set by the installer.
Stable temperature, pre-set at 38°C.
Anti-scalding failsafe: automatic shut-off if the cold water fails.
Anti-cold showers function: automatic shut-off if the hot water fails.
Alueellinen saatavuus
Aasia | Eurooppa | Afrikka | Etelä-Amerikka | Oseania | Pohjois-Amerikka |
Afganistan | Alankomaat | Algeria | Argentiina | Australia | Bahamasaaret |
Arabiemiirikunnat | Albania | Angola | Bolivia | Fidzi | Belize |
Armenia | Belgia | Benin | Brasilia | Papua-Uusi-Guinea | Costa Rica |
Azerbaidžan | Bosnia ja Hertsegovina | Botswana | Chile | Salomonsaaret | Dominikaaninen tasavalta |
Bangladesh | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Ecuador | Timor-Leste | El Salvador |
Bhutan | Espanja | Burundi | Falklandinsaaret (Malvinassaaret) | Uusi-Kaledonia | Grönlanti |
Brunei | Huippuvuoret | Djibouti | Guyana | Uusi-Seelanti | Guatemala |
Etelä-Korea | Irlanti | Egypti | Kolumbia | Vanuatu | Haiti |
Filippiinit | Islanti | Eritrea | Paraguay | Honduras | |
Georgia | Italia | Etelä-Afrikka | Peru | Jamaika | |
Indonesia | Itävalta | Etelä-Sudan | Ranskan Guayana | Kanada | |
Intia | Kreikka | Etiopia | Surinam | Kuuba | |
Irak | Kroatia | Gabon | Uruguay | Meksiko | |
Iran | Kypros | Gambia | Venezuela | Nicaragua | |
Israel | Latvia | Ghana | Panama | ||
Japani | Liettua | Guinea | Puerto Rico | ||
Jemen | Luxemburg | Guinea-Bissau | Trinidad ja Tobago | ||
Jordania | Moldova | Kamerun | Yhdysvallat | ||
Kambodža | Montenegro | Kenia | |||
Kazakstan | Norja | Keski-Afrikan tasavalta | |||
Kiina | Pohjois-Makedonia | Kongo | |||
Kirgisia | Portugali | Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta | |||
Kuwait | Puola | Länsi-Sahara | |||
Laos | Ranska | Lesotho | |||
Libanon | Romania | Liberia | |||
Malesia | Ruotsi | Libya | |||
Mongolia | Saksa | Madagaskar | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Serbia | Malawi | |||
Nepal | Slovakia | Mali | |||
Oman | Slovenia | Marokko | |||
Pakistan | Suomi | Mauritania | |||
Palestiinalaisalueet | Sveitsi | Mosambik | |||
Pohjois-Korea | Tanska | Namibia | |||
Qatar | Tsekin tasavalta | Niger | |||
Saudi-Arabia | Ukraina | Nigeria | |||
Sri Lanka | Unkari | Norsunluurannikko | |||
Syyria | Valko-Venäjä | Päiväntasaajan Guinea | |||
Tadžikistan | Venäjä | Ruanda | |||
Taiwan | Viro | Sambia | |||
Thaimaa | Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta | Senegal | |||
Turkki | Sierra Leone | ||||
Turkmenistan | Somalia | ||||
Uzbekistan | Sudan | ||||
Vietnam | Swasimaa | ||||
Tansania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tsad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zimbabwe |