Anti-burglary roller shutter system Safety Premium is a highly technically advanced product, which thanks to the design of innovative structural elements has successfully passed specialized tests and obtained the RC3 class of burglary resistance.
Modern design, functionality, ease of installation and operation, as well as aesthetic appearance will help the roller shutter to meet the requirements of the building and fit the colour of the façade. In this type of products, the individual elements, i. a. channels have special reinforcement, which prevents deflecting and pulling out the roller shutter profiles. In addition, the resistant structure of the curtain prevents any impact-induced damage to the roller shutter. In addition, the latch mechanism mounted in the bottom part of the roller shutter prevents raising of the roller shutter’s curtain, which ensures an effective protection of the house. Rollers shutters are made of aluminium, and are thus lightweight, weather resistant and easy to maintain. During our absence, they protect windows and balcony from the sight of potential attackers, and our possessions – from theft. The isolation helps us also to protect the interiors from excessive sunlight and warming up.
Alueellinen saatavuus
Eurooppa | Aasia | Pohjois-Amerikka | Afrikka | Etelä-Amerikka | Oseania |
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Färsaaret | Brunei | Caribbean Netherlands | Eritrea | Paraguay | Nauru |
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Kypros | Jemen | Haiti | Kenia | Tokelau | |
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Mansaari | Kirgisia | Meksiko | Lesotho | Vanuatu | |
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Ruotsi | Nepal | Saint-Pierre ja Miquelon | Mosambik | ||
Saksa | Oman | Sint Maarten | Namibia | ||
San Marino | Pakistan | Trinidad ja Tobago | Niger | ||
Serbia | Palestiinalaisalueet | Turks- ja Caicossaaret | Nigeria | ||
Slovakia | Qatar | Yhdysvallat | Norsunluurannikko | ||
Slovenia | Saudi-Arabia | Yhdysvaltain Neitsytsaaret | Päiväntasaajan Guinea | ||
Suomi | Singapore | Reunion | |||
Sveitsi | Sri Lanka | Ruanda | |||
Tanska | Syyria | Saint Helena | |||
Tsekin tasavalta | Tadžikistan | Sambia | |||
Ukraina | Taiwan | São Tomé ja Príncipe | |||
Unkari | Thaimaa | Senegal | |||
Valko-Venäjä | Turkki | Seychellit | |||
Vatikaanivaltio | Turkmenistan | Sierra Leone | |||
Venäjä | Uzbekistan | Somalia | |||
Viro | Vietnam | Sudan | |||
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta | Swasimaa | ||||
Tansania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tsad | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zimbabwe |