Los convectores Aura Comfort ofrecen un uso universal en edificios de oficinas, jardines de invierno o escaparates, especialmente en habitaciones con grandes espacios acristalados. El intercambiador de calor de cobre y aluminio se colocó en un revestimiento de acero con rejilla de duraluminio. El revestimiento de los convectores Aura no se calienta directamente con el agua calentada, por lo que protege eficazmente de las pérdidas de energía por radiación contra las superficies vidriadas y, en consecuencia, reduce los costes operativos. El conjunto debe montarse en el piso con el uso de soportes de montaje estéticos. Los convectores Aura Comfort se fabrican en 265 tipos de dimensiones estándar.
Technical specifications:
Width: 96, 146, 186, 236 mm
Length: from 600 up to 2900 mm
Height: 90, 140, 240, 280 mm
Connections: 2 x G ." - internal thread
Operating pressure: 10 bar
Max. temperature: 110 oC
Test pressure: 13 bar
Accessories bundled with the radiator:
- corrosion-resistant, laminated heat exchanger of Cu/Al with low content of water terminated with two inlets with G .” by internal thread
- sheathing with longitudinal duralumin
- brackets enabling fitting to complete or unfinished floor
- air-vent valve steel sheating with duralumin grid and brackets are equipped with painting powder colour in RAL 9016 connection from the right side (in case of requirement for the connection from the left side, this must be stated in the order)
Accessories bundled with the radiator optionally:
- regulatory features at the side of the water – thermostatic valve and lockable and regulatory screwing
- thermostatic head
- varnishing of sheathing and other components in a different colour shade than the white RAL 9016
- varnished exchanger
- covers for mounting brackets.