Sistema de pared sólida modular. DISEÑO Muro con juntas enrasadas entre tramos de muro. Una o dos capas de paneles de pared según el tipo de pared y la clase de aislamiento acústico. Elección de revestimientos de pared en paneles de pared, normalmente una superficie lisa, blanca y duradera. Es compatible con Flex Door, Flex Frame y Flex Woodline.
Standard module width 900 mm.
Wall height as required, up to 3,000 mm
For higher ceiling heights, contact FLEX.
13 mm plasterboard (single or double layer).
Standard design, NCS S 0500-N.
Painted, non-textured lining paper.
Painted, textured, fibreglass wall covering.
Wallpapered. Wallpapers from our standard collection.
Steel stud framing, with wall studs and floor and ceiling rails in galvanized steel. Can be reinforced for hanging shelves, TVs, etc.
Wall designation Rw (lab dB) Wall thickness (mm) Fire class
FF95/1-5-1 35–37* 95 **
FF95/2-5-2 39–41* 95 **
FF120/2-5-2 43–45* 120 **
* Estimated sound reduction in field is dependent on surrounding building components and installations.
** Fire-classified walls available on request.