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SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators (union, 1-2")

SEP4™ 4-in-1 Magnetic Hydraulic Separators (union, 1-2")

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Separador combinado de aire, suciedad, hidráulico y magnético.

Cuerpo de acero recubierto de resina epoxi.
Elemento coalescente interno de HDPE, removible para limpieza.
Aislamiento preformado.

Presión máxima de trabajo: 150 psi
Rango de temperatura de trabajo: 32˚ - 210˚F
Rango de temperatura de trabajo sin aislamiento: 32˚ - 230˚F

Capacidad de separación de partículas: hasta 5 μm (0,2 mil)
Eficiencia de separación de impurezas ferrosas: 100%
Eficiencia de separación de aire: 100% a nivel de microburbujas.

Completo con conexiones de unión.
Grifo termopozo: ½" hembra

código clave: 549596A

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  • Function The multifunction hydraulic separator combines different functional components, each of them to satisfy specific needs of air conditioning system circuits. It is supplied complete with hot pre-formed shell insulation to ensure perfect thermal insulation when used with both hot and chilled water. The device is designed to carry out the following functions: - Hydraulic separation To keep connected hydraulic circuits totally independent from each other. - Deaeration Utilises the combined action of several physics principles: the widening of the cross section decreases the flow velocity and the technopolymer mesh creates whirling movements so as to facilitate the release of micro-bubbles. The bubbles, fusing with each other, increase in volume and, rising towards the top of the unit, are released through a float-operated automatic air vent. - Dirt separation The dirt separator separates and collects any impurities in the circuits as they collide with the surface of the internal element. - Removal of magnetic particles The special patented magnetic system also attracts ferromagnetic impurities in the water: the ferromagnetic particles are trapped in the collection zone, meaning they are prevented from being recirculated.
Especificaciones técnicas
  • Referencia5495_SEP4
  • Familia de productoHVAC
  • Grupo de productosComponents for central heating systems
  • TipoObjeto (objeto simple)
  • Día de publicación2019-03-12
  • Número de edición2
Información relacionada
  • Material principalBronce
  • Diseñado enItalia
  • Fabricado enItalia
  • Categoría BIMobjectHVAC - Climatización - Otros
  • Clasificación IFC Válvula
  • ETIM CodeEC010579
  • ETIM NameWater separator, steam and compressed air
  • Nombre UNSPSCValves
  • Código UNSPSC401416
  • Código Uniclass 2015Ss_55
  • Descripción Uniclass 2015Piped supply systems
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code23 00 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TítuloHeating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Número OmniClass23-27 31 00
  • Título OmniClass Valves
  • CSI UniFormat II CódigoD30
  • CSI UniFormat II TítuloHVAC

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