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X6240 - Radiographic Unit, Computerized Tomography

X6240 - Radiographic Unit, Computerized Tomography

4.7 out of 5 stars4.7(10 reviews)
The CT Scanner System is an noninvasive radiographic technique that involves the reconstruction of a tomographic plane of the body from a large number of collected x-ray absorption measurements taken during a scan around the body's periphery. The CT System shall be a single gantry, whole body scanning system appropriate to support tertiary care facilities with an annual projected workload of less than 5,500 separate studies. System includes DICOM 3.0 or latest version software protocol. System to be procured with turnkey installation.
Technical specification
  • Unique ref.X6240
  • Product familyRadiographic Unit
  • Product groupComputerized Tomography (CT)
  • TypeRequirement Object
  • Date of publishing2016-01-01
  • Edition number1
  • Designed inUnited States
  • Manufactured inUnited States
  • BIMobject CategoryMedical - All
  • IFC classificationFurnishing Element

Region availability

North America
United States