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Milli Meld Edit Single Towel Rail 750mm Chrome
Milli Meld Edit Single Towel Rail 750mm Chrome
Milli Meld Edit Single Towel Rail 750mm Chrome

    Milli Meld Edit Single Towel Rail 750mm Chrome

    Softening a space is made easy with the Milli Meld Edit. Balanced straight lines with accentuated curves, the Meld Edit Single Towel Rail 750mm in Chrome complements tapware with soft edges and sleek lines.
    Technical specification
    • Unique ref.2265641
    • Product familyMilli
    • Product groupMeld Edit
    • TypeObject (single object)
    • Date of publishing2022-09-29
    • Edition number1
    • Height (mm)14
    • Material mainAluminium
    • Weight Net (Kg)0.52
    • BIMobject CategorySanitary - Bathroom Accessories

    Region availability
