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ActivRAC® 7M/7P with 4-Post

ActivRAC® 7M/7P with 4-Post


Das hochdichte mobile Lagersystem ActivRAC® 7M/7P von Spacesaver stellt Ihre Lager auf Räder und Schienen, um die Lagereffizienz zu maximieren. So können Sie wertvolle Bodenfläche zurückgewinnen oder Ihre Lagerkapazität auf derselben Fläche verdoppeln. Die langlebigen Stahlwagen von ActivRAC 7M/7P werden in den USA hergestellt und lassen sich nahtlos mit den rekonfigurierbaren 4-Pfosten-Regalen von Spacesaver kombinieren, wobei bis zu 7.000 Pfund pro Wagenabschnitt mobilisiert werden können. Die Kombination aus ActivRAC 7M/7P und 4-Pfosten-Regalen bietet Ihnen eine vielseitige, effiziente Lagerlösung, die an jeden Raum und jede Funktionalität angepasst werden kann.

  • Rail-Top Mount:
    Rail shall be 4140 steel bar 4-1/2” (114mm) wide x 3/8”
    (9.5mm) high, with black zinc finish. Rail edges shall be
    beveled down to a maximum of 3/16” (4.8mm) to allow for
    the rail to be transversed by material handling equipment.
    Rail shall disperse the wheel point loads to structural slab.
    Rail shall have two permanently mounted floor anchors
    maximum 15” (381mm) on center. Rails shall be installed
    on top of concrete slab. Rail and carriage design allows
    concrete slab to be unlevel at the following maximum
    – 3/16” (4.8mm) maximum variation over any 2’ (.6m)
    rail run.
    – 1/4” (6.4mm) maximum variation over any 10’
    (3.04m) rail run.
    – 1/4” (6.4mm) maximum variation between adjacent

    Rail-Recessed Mount:
    Rail shall be 4140 steel bar 4” (101.6mm) wide x 3/8”
    (9.5mm) high, with black zinc finish. Rail shall disperse
    the wheel point loads to structural slab. Rail shall have
    two permanently mounted floor anchors maximum 15”
    (381mm) on center. Rail shall be installed recessed into
    concrete slab and flush to top of concrete slab. Rail and
    carriage design allows concrete slab to be unlevel at the
    following maximum variations:
    – 3/16” (4.8mm) maximum variation over any 2’ (.6m)
    rail run.
    – 1/4” (6.4mm) maximum variation over any 10’
    (3.04m) rail run.
    – 1/4” (6.4mm) maximum variation between adjacent

    Mobile Carriage Bases:
    Assembled structural steel carriage base will have a
    minimum capacity of 7,000 lbs. (3,175 kg) per carriage
    section. Each wheel assembly shall be equipped with two
    steel wheels, minimum 5” (127mm) diameter steel wheels.
    Wheels are equipped with two permanently lubricated
    and shielded radial ball bearings. Wheel capacity 3,500
    lbs. (1,587 kg) each. Wheels have solid steel axles of
    1” in (25mm) diameter. Wheels shall be dual flange,
    all-wheel guided. All carriage sections between wheel
    assemblies have integral diagonal bracing to maintain
    accepted tolerances for function of systems. Side profiles
    shall provide and maintain wheel assembly alignment
    and squareness. These profiles shall be pre-drilled at the
    factory, but are bolted, and assembled on the job site as
    integral carriage members. Structural steel side profiles
    shall be minimum 5.084” (129mm) high, 10-gauge
    (3.4mm). Finish shall be powder coat paint.

    Line Shaft Drive System:
    Line shaft drive consists of a wheel section positioned at
    each rail location. Wheel section shall consist of a load
    wheel and a drive wheel. Each wheel shall be provided with
    two permanently shielded bearing assemblies. Wheels shall
    be ASTM A 536 specification 65/45/12 machined ductile
    iron. All wheels shall be 5” (127 mm) diameter. All wheels
    on one side of the carriage shall be driven by a continuous
    steel drive shaft 1-5/16” (33 mm) O.D. x1” (25mm) I.D.
    connected to the 1” (25 mm) diameter wheel drive axles
    with bolted clamp connections.

    Mechanical Assist Housing and Operator:
    Mobilized storage bases are moved by means of a
    mechanical assist chain and sprocket drive unit and operator
    located in the front of each carriage. Multiple drive ratios are
    available. A roller chain connects sprockets and adjustable
    chain idlers and is required to maintain proper chain tension.
    Carriage is moved by rotating a three spoke handle with
    rotating knobs. The anti-roll mechanism system is required
    to prevent carriage from drifting. Dual control housings and
    operators for accessing a system module from both the front
    and rear are optional.
    Specifications are subject to change.
    Patent Pending.

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummeractivrac-7m-7p-with-4-post
  • ProduktfamilieHigh-Density Mobile Shelving Systems
  • ProduktgruppeHigh-Density Mobile Shelving Systems
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2024-05-23
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialStahl
  • Sekundär MaterialStahl
  • Entwickelt inUSA
  • Hergestellt inUSA
  • BIMobject KategorieMöbel - Regale und Aufbewahrungselemente
  • IFCClassificationMöbel
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_40_30_78_53
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungMovable aisle storage units
  • Klassifizierung10 56 13
  • Format2014TitelMetal Storage Shelving
  • OmniClassNummer23-21 11 11 11
  • OmniClassTitelCommercial Storage Shelves

Verfügbarkeit in den Regionen

Antigua und Barbuda
Besondere Gemeinde
Britische Jungferninseln
Costa Rica
Dominikanische Republik
El Salvador
Puerto Rico
Republik Trinidad und Tobago
Sankt Kitts und Nevis
Sankt Lucia
Sankt Martin
Sankt Pierre und Miquelon
Sankt Vincent und die Grenadinen
Sint Maarten
Turks- und Caicosinseln