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VPL-VW5000ES Sony 4K Home Theater Laser Projector
VPL-VW5000ES Sony 4K Home Theater Laser Projector

    VPL-VW5000ES Sony 4K Home Theater Laser Projector

    Der weltweit fortschrittlichste 4K-Projektor, der speziell für den Einsatz im Heimkino entwickelt wurde. Genießen Sie 5.000 Lumen Helligkeit, HDR-Kompatibilität und die Möglichkeit, den neuen ITU-R BT2020-Farbraum zusätzlich zum vollen DCI-Farbraum zu simulieren. Für Heiminstallationen mit größeren Bildschirmen ist dieser Projektor das ultimative Heimkino-Display.
    • Very high brightness and contrast
      With an amazing 5,000 lumens brightness and infinite dynamic contrast range, 4K images are clear with bright highlights and rich, deep blacks even in well-lit rooms.

      HDR Compatible
      Take full advantage of the latest content produced with HDR (High Dynamic Range) for extremely wide contrast with an even higher range of brightness levels.

      Wide color space for more natural colors
      Sony’s display technology covers the full DCI-P3 range and emulates ITU-R BT2020 to accurately reproduces a much broader range of colors than a standard projector system. You’ll see the difference with finely-reproduced tones and textures plus greater color purity, depth and realism.

      Cinematic 4K clarity with four times the detail of 
      Full HD
      SXRD panel technology featured in our professional cinema projectors delivers native 4K (4096 x 2160) resolution images, with no artificial pixel enhancement. Every detail is clear and natural, without jagged edges or visible pixels.

      Smooth, fluid on-screen action
      Coupled with the panel’s super-fast response rate, Motionflow technology means you’ll see every detail with minimal blur no matter how fast the action, even with 4K signals.

      Virtually maintenance-free operation
      Laser-based light source provides 20,000 hours of virtually maintenance-free operation for constant picture quality and reduced running costs.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerVPL-VW5000ES-Sony-4K-Projector
    • ProduktfamilieData/Multi/Media Projectors
    • Produktgruppe4K HDR
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2019-03-25
    • Editionsnummer1
    • BIMobject KategorieElektronisches Zubehör - Projektoren
    • IFCClassificationObjekt
    • ETIM CodeEC000690
    • ETIM NameVideo projector
    • UNSPSCNameProjectors and supplies
    • UNSPSCCode451116
    • Klassifizierung11 52 16
    • Format2014TitelProjectors
    • OmniClassNummer23-37 15 19
    • OmniClassTitelVideo Projectors
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeE

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