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RESOPAL UNITY - Durchgefärbter Hochdruckschichtstoff (HPL) & Kompakt HPL

RESOPAL UNITY - Durchgefärbter Hochdruckschichtstoff (HPL) & Kompakt HPL

UNIQUE OPTIONS - LAMINATE WITH COLOURED CORE Our RESOPAL HPL & Compact Colour products and RESOPAL Pure White offer you a broad range of coloured core laminates for your design concepts. UNITY: LAMINATE WITH COLOURED CORE AND PERFECT HARMONY The Unity-Designs for our RESOPAL HPL & Compact Colour products stand out with perfect harmony between through-coloured, coloured core, decor and texture. For your design concept, choose from 26 different combinations and use Unity to create spaces with perfect harmony. A NEW DIVERSITY FOR YOUR DESIGN CONCEPTS 26 perfectly tuned and varied combinations of core, decor and texture Four core colours: white, black, grey, beige Four surfaces: 60, TP, WH and RM 23 different decors Suitable for vertical and horizontal applications
Technische Spezifikation
  • ReferenznummerRES050001
  • ProduktfamilieHigh Pressure Laminate (HPL)
  • ProduktgruppeResopal Coloured Core HPL & Compact
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2019-02-28
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Höhe (mm)3050
  • Breite (mm)1320
  • HauptmaterialLaminat
  • Entwickelt inDeutschland
  • Hergestellt inDeutschland
  • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Plattenbaustoffe und Laminate
  • IFCClassificationMaterial
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_25_71_94_37
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungHigh-pressure decorative laminates (HPL or HPDL)
  • Klassifizierung06 42 19
  • Format2014TitelPlastic-Laminate-Faced Wood Paneling
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeC30