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Protecta FR Damper
Protecta FR Damper

    Protecta FR Damper

    Protecta® FR Damper is used to fire proof ventilation ducts which penetrate fire rated constructions such as fire compartments and fire walls; preventing the passage of fire and smoke (surrounding and inside the ventilation duct).

    The product consists of a steel casing and contains horizontal steel blades, treated with a technically advanced heat expanding graphite which closes off the whole damper in a fire. The aperture surrounding the dampers are fire sealed with Protecta fire stopping products.

    The damper can be installed in the fire seal and the ventilation ducting attached, or the damper can be connected to the ducting and then fire sealed.

    The aperture where the ducts pass through can include one or multiple ventilation ducts. One can also pass through other technical services such as cables, cable trays and pipes within the same aperture.

    Available in the following sizes: Ø63, Ø80, Ø100, Ø125, Ø160, Ø200, Ø250, Ø315, Ø400, Ø500, Ø630, Ø800, Ø1000 and Ø1250.

      • Maintenance-free and no electrical connections necessary.
      • The same damper can be installed in drywalls, masonry and concrete walls, timber walls, concrete floors and timber floors.
      • An aperture can include several dampers and in addition, technical services such as cables, cable trays and pipes.
      • The product seals against penetration of fire and smoke, surrounding and inside the ventilation duct.
      • Closes in the area where the fire is located (but not elsewhere), allowing the ventilation system to extract smoke from areas that are not on fire.
      • Keeps the temperature in the duct network lower than 120°C, protecting fans and sensitive units in the system.
      • Insulation of ducts is not necessary.
      • Service life of more than 50 years; the damper will last the same life cycle as the ventilation system.
      • The dampers are designed to fit standard ducting equipment, enabling the ducting system installer to easily fit the dampers.
      • The dampers are attached to the inside of the ducts, giving the benefit of space-saving.
      • The dampers are only 15 cm long and bends can be connected right behind the fire seal (also available to order in other sizes).
      • The damper can be attached to a vent on one side.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerProtecta_FR_Damper
    • ProduktfamilieProtecta
    • ProduktgruppeFR Damper
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2020-03-17
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Tiefe (mm)150
    • HauptmaterialVerzinkter Stahl
    • Entwickelt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • Hergestellt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • BIMobject KategorieBrandschutz - Brandabschottungen
    • IFCClassificationObjekt