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Wall Application - Metal Door - 2 Hour Fire Rated - Access Panel
Wall Application - Metal Door - 2 Hour Fire Rated - Access Panel
Wall Application - Metal Door - 2 Hour Fire Rated - Access Panel
    Palco UK

    Wall Application - Metal Door - 2 Hour Fire Rated - Access Panel

    PAL51 is a Riser Door with a QuickFit sliding hinge system that allows for the quick and easy removal of the riser door from the frame. This allows the installation to be completed by a single person.

    This riser door is constructed from 0.9mm zintec steel with a metal-faced panel. This panel is certified to BS EN 1634-1 : 2014 for a 2 hour integrity fire rating. This comes as standard with a 3 Way Locking system, other lock options are available.

    The QuickFit hinge system replaces the full length piano hinge of the conventional riser door which reduces fitting time and costs.

    The picture frame will conceal any irregularities in the structural opening allowing for a tidy finish.
    • PAL51 is a Riser Door with a QuickFit sliding hinge system that allows for the quick and easy removal of the riser door from the frame. This allows the installation to be completed by a single person.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerPAL51-120-MD-PF-3WL
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2021-06-11
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialStahl
    • Entwickelt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • Hergestellt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • BIMobject KategorieKonstruktionselemente - Revisionstüren und -klappen
    • IFCClassificationTürblatt
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_30_59_36
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungHatches and access panels
    • OmniClassNummer23-17 11 29
    • OmniClassTitelAccess Panels