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EGGER Arbeitsplatten sind die Basis für zeitgemäß gestaltete Räume. Unser Sortiment besteht aus vier Produkten : die Kompaktlaminat-Arbeitsplatte für edle Oberflächen, die Feelwood- Arbeitsplatte für die Authentizität von Holzdekoren, die PerfectSense Topmatt- Arbeitsplatte für matte Perfektion und die Postforming -Arbeitsplatte für den klassischen Look. Es gibt 32 Dekore in satten Unifarben oder authentischen Holz-, Stoff-, Marmor- oder Betonnachbildungen.

Dank ihrer ästhetischen und technischen Eigenschaften, geraden oder abgerundeten Profilen und Dicken von 12 mm oder 38 mm , können sie in Küchen, Büros, Geschäften und vielen anderen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. EGGER Arbeitsplatten erfüllen viele Kriterien für Qualität, Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Einfachheit im täglichen Gebrauch. Langlebig, hygienisch, wirtschaftlich, pflegeleicht und mit antibakteriellen Oberflächen sind unsere Arbeitsplatten die Lösung für Ihre Projekte.

  • EGGER postformed worktops are scratch and impact resistant due to their seamless surface and profile. Antibacterial, hygienic and food-safe, stain-resistant and easy to clean, the 19 available wood, material and deep plain decors make the EGGER postformed worktop the classic laminate worktop solution. Available from stock in 4100 x 650 x 38mm (Postformed 300/3 - 1RL) on a P3 support, 3mm radius, 1 postformed profile and a back profile with melamine edge. Available from stock in 4100 x 900 x 38mm (Postformed 300/3 - 2 RL) on a R3 support, 3mm radius and 2 postformed mongue edges.

    The EGGER Feelwood straight edge worktop offers an exceptional veneer-like reproduction due to the synchronized pore patterns, for a total of 4 patterns available. The 1.5 mm thickness of the ABS edgebands is ideal for protecting the edge of the top while maintaining the most natural curvature angle. End grain wood edges reproducing the cross section of a tree trunk are also available to further emphasize the authentic and natural look of this high quality worktop, in addition to being scratch resistant, impact resistant and anti-bacterial. Available from stock in 4100 x 650 x 38mm on a P3 backing, 1.5mm thick ABS edge and a back profile that is replicated with melamine edge.

    The EGGER PerfectSense Topmatt worktop provides an extra matte character with a silky touch for 5 decors. Scratch and impact resistant, anti-bacterial and with anti-fingerprint properties, this worktop is based on 38 mm chipboard. The 1.5 mm thick ABS edges ensure the protection of the edge of the top while maintaining the most natural curvature angle. Available from stock in 4100 x 650 x 38mm with a P3 support, 1.5mm thick ABS edge, 1 ABS veneered edge and a back profile replated with melamine edge.

    The EGGER compact laminate worktop is robust and durable thanks to its homogeneous structure. Moisture resistant and rot-proof, therefore suitable for kitchen applications, its sleek design offers a modern look. Delivered chamfered (1X1mm) on both sides and all four sides, no special treatment required for the edges and surface, in black or colored core depending on the decor, available in stock in 4100 x 650 x 12mm or 4100 x 920 x 12mm.

    Sustainable development indicators: 88% of materials from renewable resources / 26% of recycled materials / 33% of sawmill by-products.

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerworktops
  • ProduktfamilieInterior design
  • ProduktgruppeWorktops, boards and edging
  • TypBaumaterial
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-01-31
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialHolz
  • Entwickelt inÖsterreich
  • Hergestellt inFrankreich
  • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Holzträger und Holzwerkstoffe

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