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Stark sportabsorbent
Stark sportabsorbent
Stark sportabsorbent

    Stark sportabsorbent

    STARK improves acoustics and has a rugged wire mesh to protect the absorber. STARK is mainly used in sports centers and in rooms with low ceilings at risk of being damaged. STARK is built for harsh and noisy environments such as sports halls where ball hits and tackles would otherwise damage the sound absorbers. The sturdy wire grid holds the absorbent securely in place. STARK is an effective sound absorber manufactured by EcoSUND consisting of recycled PET.
    • STARK is manufactured in a standard format with various wire grilles for ceiling or wall mounting. The absorbent is 50 mm thick for good sound absorption and is made from our unique core material EcoSUND. • 1200x900x50 mm
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerStark-sportabsorbent
    • ProduktfamilieFurniture
    • ProduktgruppeWall- and Ceiling acoustics
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2020-05-27
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (mm)900
    • Breite (mm)1200
    • Tiefe (mm)50
    • HauptmaterialStoff
    • Sekundär MaterialZink
    • Entwickelt inSchweden
    • Hergestellt inSchweden
    • BIMobject KategorieMöbel - Schalldämmungselemente
    • IFCClassificationMöbel