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NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW
NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW
NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW
NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW
NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW
NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW

    NRS Flanged Gate Valves - 408-OSY-RW

    3.7 out of 5 stars3.7(15 reviews)

    OS&Y-Flanschschieber der Serie 408-OSY-RW werden in Brandschutzanwendungen zum Absperren von Hauptfeuerstellen eingesetzt. Sie verfügen über ein epoxidbeschichtetes Gusseisengehäuse mit Flanschanschlüssen, eine elastische Keilscheibe und ein Gusseisen-Handrad. Sie sind UL/FM-gelistet und entsprechen MSS-SP-70. Der maximale Druck beträgt 250 psi (17,2 bar) CWP.

    • Keywords: 600wog, air, assembly, backflow, backflow valve, ballvalve, bonnet, builtin bypass, bypass, check, checkvalve, coupling, cover, double, doublecheck, expansion, fill, fire, fullport, high capacity, high capacity pressure reducing valve, high capacity water pressure reducing valve, high pressure, hydronic, inlet strainer, kit, lead free, lf, lf223, lfn223, lock, low pressure, male, pressure reducing valve, preventer, prevention, prv, quarter turn shutoff, quarterturn, quick, reduce pressure valve, reducing valve, releif, relief, repair, rpza, rubber, seat, separator, shut-off, tank, threaded, twopiece, ullisted, union angle inlet, union angle outlet, valve, vlv, water pressure reducing valve, water pressure reducing valves, wp valve, wprv, assembly, backflow, bonnet, bypass, check, cover, kit, releif, repair, rubber, seat, valve, watts, watts regulator, plumbing, draings, valves, pipes, drainage, automatic control valves, control valves, reducing valves, pressure reducing valves, ball valves, control valves, liquid control valves, water safety

      • Sizes: 2 1⁄2 in. – 12 in. (65 – 300mm)
      • Best suited for either the fully open or closed position but is suitable for use as a throttling valve
      • Easy in line service and replaceable disc
      • Used in fire protection applications for fire main shutoff
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerNRS-Flanged-Gate-Valves-408-osy-rw
    • ProduktfamiliePlumbing & Flow Control Solutions
    • ProduktgruppeShutoff Valves > Gate Valves
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2019-03-08
    • Editionsnummer2
    • HauptmaterialCast iron
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • Hergestellt inUSA
    • BIMobject KategorieSanitärinstallationen - Armaturen
    • IFCClassificationArmatur
    • UNSPSCNameGate valves
    • UNSPSCCode40141613
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_65_54_95_12
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungCast iron gate valves
    • Klassifizierung40 05 61
    • Format2014TitelGate Valves
    • OmniClassNummer23-27 31 25
    • OmniClassTitelGate Valves
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeD20
    • CSIUniFormatIITitlePLUMBING

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