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Lead Free* Cast Copper Silicon Alloy Maxi-Flo Check Valves - LF600

Lead Free* Cast Copper Silicon Alloy Maxi-Flo Check Valves - LF600

Maxi-Flo-Rückschlagventile aus bleifreiem* Messing verfügen über einen bleifreien* Kupfer-Silizium-Gusskörper mit NPT-Innengewindeanschlüssen. Diese leisen Rückschlagventile haben einen geringen Druckabfall und können in horizontaler oder vertikaler Position installiert werden. Maximaler Druck: 400 psi (27,6 bar).
  • Body Material: Lead Free* cast copper silicon alloy
    Connection Size: 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2"
    Connection Type: Threaded connections
    Industry Standards: Lead Free* silent check valves shall comply with state codes and standards, where applicable, requiring reduced lead content.
    Working Pressure: 400psi (27.6 bars) WOG non-shock @ -20°F to 100°F (-29°C to 38°C); 15psi (1 bar) WSP @ 250°F (121°C)
    Maximum Working Temperature: 250°F (121°C)Keywords: 200wog, checkvalve, flo, lead free brass, maxi, ptfe seat, silent, sweat, threaded, valve, vitondisc, vlv, assembly, backflow, bonnet, bypass, check, cover, kit, releif, repair, rubber, seat, valve, watts, watts regulator, plumbing, draings, valves, pipes, drainage, automatic control valves, control valves, reducing valves, pressure reducing valves, ball valves, control valves, liquid control valves, water safety

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummer6837
  • ProduktfamilieWater Safety & Flow Control
  • ProduktgruppeAdjusting/Controlling Valves for Liquid Services
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2015-08-11
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Entwickelt inUSA
  • Hergestellt inUSA
  • BIMobject KategorieSanitärinstallationen - Armaturen

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