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Protecta FR Service Transit
Protecta FR Service Transit

    Protecta FR Service Transit

    The Protecta® FR Service Transit has been designed to maintain the fire resistance of walls and floors when these are breached by continuous cables and plastic pipes.

    The Service Transit consists of a circular high temperature plastic tube containing a graphite based intumescent lining material which expands upon heating to seal spaces or voids around cables and pipes, thus preventing the passage of flames, smoke and gases.

    After installation of the Service Transit, cables and pipes can be retrofitted without having to install a new fire seal.

    The Service Transit is available in three different lengths, 150mm, 250mm and 400mm and the selection of which to use depends on the thickness of the supporting construction and the required fire classification.

      • Safe, easy and quick to fire stop service penetrations.
      • Ideal for installations where it is likely that services will be inserted or replaced later on.
      • Ideal for installations in tight spaces where it will be difficult to install a normal fire seal at a later stage in the building construction.
      • A plug in the middle prevents penetration of cold smoke (see air permeability tests in the technical data sheet).
      • For cables, plastic pipes and cables inside plastic pipes (conduits).
      • Classified for fire sealing all types of constructions; drywalls, masonry or concrete walls, timber walls, concrete floors and timber floors.
      • Can be fitted several ways; cast in concrete, friction fitted in concrete, masonry or gypsum, or inserted in larger apertures with Protecta FR Acrylic, FR Board or EX Mortar.
      • Very high fire classifications up to 240 minutes for both integrity and insulation.
      • Certified for PVC-U, PVC-C, PE, LDPE, MDPE, HDPE, ABS, SAN+PVC and PP pipes plus all kinds of cables.
      • No emissions - environmentally and user friendly.
      • 30 years working life guarantee.
      • Sound insulation Rw 42 dB.
      • The product holds the following approval marks; CE-mark for Europe, UL-EU Certificate Internationally & UAE Certificate of Compliance.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerProtecta_FR_Service_Transit
    • ProduktfamilieProtecta
    • ProduktgruppeFR Service Transit
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2020-03-17
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialPlastik
    • Entwickelt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • Hergestellt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • BIMobject KategorieBrandschutz - Brandabschottungen
    • IFCClassificationObjekt