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Henkel Polybit Polyproof Ultra FB Pre Applied System

Henkel Polybit Polyproof Ultra FB Pre Applied System


Polyproof Ultra Plus ist eine vollflächig haftende, voraufgetragene, leistungsstarke Abdichtungsmembran auf HDPE-Basis mit einer reaktiven anorganischen Feingranulatoberfläche. Die Membran ist so konzipiert, dass sie eine chemische und mechanische Verbindung mit dem frisch gegossenen Beton eingeht und so zu einem integralen Bestandteil der Struktur wird.

Anwendungsgebiete sind unter anderem unterirdische Betonbauwerke wie:

- Keller

- Unterhalb von Flößen

- Stützmauern

- Infrastrukturelle Anwendungen (Tunnel und Brücken)

  • Characteristics:

    - Loosely laid membrane that remains independent of structural movements and settlements

    - Cold-applied, easy, and quick to install, no priming required

    - Chemical bond of pressure sensitive adhesive with concrete

    - Mechanical adhesion through granular sand finish

    - Effectively prevents lateral water migration

    - Provides a water and moisture barrier

    - Allows for immediate foot traffic on site

    - Temporarily UV resistant during application and steel works (45 days during hot climate)

    - Excellent resistance to chemical acids, alkalis, salts, and other corrosive materials

    - White solar-reflective surface


    1. Polyproof Ultra Plus: Fully-bonded, sand coated, pressure sensitive HDPE pre-applied, single layer loosely laid membrane for substructural waterproofing application.

    2. Polyproof Ultra Plus TS: single-sided, self-adhesive tape with sanded finish. The carrier is coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive with excellent adhesion to the Polyproof Ultra Plus membrane.

    3. Polyproof Ultra TSD: Polyproof Ultra TSD is a double-sided, self-adhesive HDPE tape. The carrier is coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive on both sides with excellent adhesion to the Polyproof Ultra Plus membrane.

    4. Polyproof EPU: cold-applied, elastomeric, two-component hybrid polyurethane-based sealing compound, designed for detailing and repairing the Polyproof Ultra FB system and for filling imperfections on concrete surfaces.

    5. Polyseal 1PU: Highly flexible, non-staining paintable one part polyurethane joint sealant with excellent recovery.

    System specification:

    - Membrane thickness, mm: min 1.2 (ASTM D 3767)

    - Tensile strength [N/mm2]: >28 (ASTM D 412)

    - Peel adhesion to freshly poured concrete, [N/mm]: >2.5 (ASTM D 903)

    - Tear strength, [kN/m]: >130 (ASTM D 624)

    - Lap peel adhesion, [N/mm]: >1.3 (ASTM D 1876)

    - Puncture resistance, [N]: >1100 (ASTM E 154)

    - Elongation at break, [%] >730 (ASTM D 412)

    - Hydrostatic pressure resistance at the joints, [12bar or (120m)], No leakage (ASTM D 5385)

    - Lateral water migration resistance @ [12bar or (120m)], Pass (ASTM D 5385)

    - Low temperature flexibility @ -25ºC (ASTM D 1970)

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerpolyproof-ultra-fb-preapplied
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-12-18
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialHart-Polyethylen
  • Entwickelt inVereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • Hergestellt inVereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Abdichtungssyteme und Membranen
  • IFCClassificationBauteil
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeSs_32_80
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungWaterproofing and tanking systems
  • Klassifizierung07 10 00
  • Format2014TitelDampproofing and Waterproofing
  • OmniClassNummer23-13 25 17
  • OmniClassTitelWaterproofing
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeA10

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Vereinigte Arabische Emirate