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nVent LENTON Rebar Couplers & Anchors for TEKLA Structures
nVent LENTON Rebar Couplers & Anchors for TEKLA Structures

    nVent LENTON Rebar Couplers & Anchors for TEKLA Structures

    Integrate nVent LENTON’s advanced mechanical rebar splicing systems into your Tekla Structures BIM designs to ensure structural integrity and streamline construction workflows. Utilize our Tekla Structures component to create precise nVent LENTON Rebar Couplers and End Anchors, enhancing the performance and efficiency of your reinforced concrete projects.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerlenton-tekla-structures
    • ProduktfamilienVent LENTON
    • ProduktgruppeIntegrations for TEKLA Structures
    • TypDigital Inventory (Products)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2024-06-10
    • Editionsnummer2
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • Hergestellt inUSA
    • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Bewehrungselemente und -stahl
    • IFCClassificationMechanischer Verschluss
    • OmniClassNummer23-13 31 21 11 17
    • OmniClassTitelReinforcement Couplers