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Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Double Leaf Fire Door NG9
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Double Leaf Fire Door NG9
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Double Leaf Fire Door NG9
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Double Leaf Fire Door NG9
Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Double Leaf Fire Door NG9

    Series 2-7 30,60,90,120mm Double Leaf Fire Door NG9

    Unser laufendes Testprogramm hat uns dazu veranlasst, Produkte zu entwickeln, die viele andere Türenhersteller nicht selbst herstellen, wie z haben bereits viele unserer Konstruktionen erfolgreich nach der neuen europäischen Norm BS EN 1634 Teil 1 getestet, die von Experten als strenger eingestuft wird als die aktuelle britische Norm BS 476 Teil 22 für Brandprüfungen. Die überwiegende Mehrheit unserer Brandschutztüren basiert auf unserer hochdichten Flachsplattenkernkonstruktion mit Holzumrandung, einer starken und stabilen Tür ohne die inhärenten Probleme, die mit ungerahmten GDC-Spanplattenzuschnitten verbunden sind, die bei Architekten und anderen Planern sehr beliebt sind und überall dort eingesetzt werden, wo Türen besser sind als durchschnittliche Festigkeit und Haltbarkeit erforderlich sind, wie z. B. Krankenhäuser, Universitäten und Schulen.
    • Series 2 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF, or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges, lippings to top and bottom as required. This door is for internal applications only. Thickness 38mm. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 18kg/m2. Series 3 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF, or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges,lippings to top and bottom as required. Thickness 44mm. Plywood doors 43mm nominal thickness. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 20kg/m2. Series 4 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4.5mm nonasbestos insulation board, bonded to each face of the flaxboard and framing, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges, lippings to top and bottom as required. Thickness 46mm. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 29kg/m2. Series 5 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln dried softwood 10-12% moisture content or engineered strand timber, core of high density flaxboard, doors faced with 4.5mm nonasbestos insulation board, bonded to each face of the flaxboard and framing, doors faced with 4mm external grade plywood, MDF or veneered/laminated chipboard as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixed by hot melt gluing to both long edges, lippings to top and bottom as required. Thickness 53mm. TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 32kg/m2. Series 6 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln driedhardwood 10-12% moisture content, core of a high density with a non-asbestos insulationboard bonded to each face of the core andframing. Doors faced with 4mm veneered/laminated chipboard MDF or external gradeplywood as required. Kiln dried hardwoodlippings fixed by hot melt glueing to edges.Thickness 56mm.TOLERANCE ±2mm. Average weight 39kg/m2.Frame in hardwood 94 x 44mm finished sizewith 32 x 19mm stop lath with appropriateintumescent and cold smoke seals. Series 7 Stiles, top and bottom rails of kiln driedhardwood 10-12% moisture content, core of a high density flaxboard with a non-asbestosinsulation board bonded to each face of thecore and framing. Doors faced with 4mmveneered/laminated chipboard or MDF as required. Kiln dried hardwood lippings fixedby hot melt glueing to both long edges.Thickness 62mm TOLERANCE ±2mm Average weight 44kg/m2.Frame 100 x 41mm finished size with 32 x19mm stop lath.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerSeries2-7DoubleNG9
    • ProduktfamilieFire
    • ProduktgruppeFire Door
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2017-11-13
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialHolz
    • Sekundär MaterialVinyl
    • Entwickelt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • Hergestellt inVereinigtes Königreich
    • BIMobject KategorieTüren - Türen Komplettelemente
    • IFCClassificationTür
    • UNSPSCNameDoors
    • UNSPSCCode301715
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeAc_15_50_25
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungDoors, windows and glazing surveying
    • ProductPage.DetailedInfo.Classifications.COBIetypeCategoryDoor

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    Vereinigtes Königreich