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Mapei color paving system flooring not bonded to the substrate
Mapei color paving system flooring not bonded to the substrate

    Mapei color paving system flooring not bonded to the substrate

    Fertig gemischte Mehrzweckzuschlagstoffe für dekorative Waschbetonböden und Straßen.
    • COLOR PAVING ADMIX (Ready-mixed multi-purpose powdered admixture to create architectural road surfaces in exposed aggregate concrete followed by application of bio-degradable, vegetable oil-based surface set retardant with a curing effect to make architectural road surface with an exposed aggregate effect finish. The finished surface is then treated with an organic polymer-based, stain-resistant and water and oil-repellent product in water solution), MAPECRETE STAIN PROTECTION (Water and oil-repellent and anti-stain for treating concrete, natural stone, stone material and cementitious surfaces made from modified organic polymers in watery solution), MAPELASTIC (Two-component elastic cementitious mortar for temperatures down to -20°C for waterproofing), MAPEWASH PO (Biodegradable, vegetable oil-based surface set retardant with a curing effect to create an architectural exposed aggregate finish on the surface of cast concrete).
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerM-N-9_ColorPaving
    • ProduktfamilieDecorative floors and roads
    • ProduktgruppeColor Paving
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2018-09-07
    • Editionsnummer2
    • HauptmaterialBeton
    • Entwickelt inItalien
    • Hergestellt inItalien
    • BIMobject KategorieBodenbeläge - Bodensysteme
    • IFCClassificationFloor
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeC3020
    • CSIUniFormatIITitleFloor Finishes

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