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Legrand P31 H60 mm
Legrand P31 H60 mm
Legrand P31 H60 mm
Legrand P31 H60 mm
Legrand P31 H60 mm
Legrand P31 H60 mm

    Legrand P31 H60 mm

    P31 Kabelrinnensystem

    Höhe 60 mm, Breite 75 bis 600 mm

    vorverzinkter Stahl PG, nachfeuerverzinktes HDG, vorverzinktes Zicmagnesium ZnMg, Edelstahl 304, Edelstahl 316L

    Die automatische Kupplung und die männlich / weiblich
    Kupplungssystem wurden entworfen, um so zu vereinfachen
    so viel wie möglich die Arbeit der Installateure und zu ermöglichen
    damit sie ihre Arbeit schneller und sicherer erledigen können.
    • Automatic coupler associated with male/female connection P31 features a new automatic coupler associated with a male/ female connection.
      • This innovative design ensures a quick and safe connection in all cases.
      • The automatic coupler is designed to also allow a fast uncoupling.

      Screws version associated with male/female connection
      • Available in the 3 heights of the range, the junction is handled with the help of 2 or 4 screws.
      • Ease of lengths alignment and junction's stability during the
      tightening of screws are provided by the male/female system.

      Innovative slide-in system
      Available on the main routing accessories, this new innovative
      system facilitates the accessories installation, regardless of the
      cable tray lengths that are used (automatic, male/female or traditional coupling system).
      • Alignment between lengths and accessories during assembly.
      • Position adjustment at the junctions to fit perfectly to the
      construction site configuration.
      • Protection of the cable tray ends especially after cutting operations
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerLG-P31-H60-mm
    • TypBaugruppe (mehrere Objekte)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2021-11-05
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (mm)60
    • HauptmaterialStahl
    • Sekundär MaterialZink
    • BIMobject KategorieElektrotechnische Ausrüstung - Verteiler

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