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Model 2030 w/ Unispan U900 Operable Walls - 3" Hinged Pairs Operation
Model 2030 w/ Unispan U900 Operable Walls - 3" Hinged Pairs Operation
Model 2030 w/ Unispan U900 Operable Walls - 3" Hinged Pairs Operation
Model 2030 w/ Unispan U900 Operable Walls - 3" Hinged Pairs Operation

    Model 2030 w/ Unispan U900 Operable Walls - 3" Hinged Pairs Operation


    Freistehendes Trägersystem mit bedienbaren Wänden: Kwik-Wall Unispan mit Modell 2030 – 3"-Paarbedienung mit Scharnieren


    • Ermöglicht die Installation von Trennwänden in Gebäuden mit unzureichender Deckenstruktur, um das Gewicht der Trennwände zu tragen.
    • Spart sowohl Engineering-Zeit als auch Materialkosten für die Bauphase.
    • Als modulares System hergestellt und zur einfachen Installation in Abschnitten geliefert.
    • Entspricht den seismischen Klassifizierungen der Zone 4 und bietet Ihnen Sicherheit an erdbebengefährdeten Standorten.

    Der Betrieb mit Scharnierpaaren ist unsere am häufigsten nachgefragte Konfiguration mit Paneelen, die in Zweiergruppen (2) zusammengelenkt sind, wodurch mehrere Paneele schnell, einfach und effizient bewegt werden können. Scharnierpaarpaneele eignen sich ideal für geradlinige Raumteilungsanwendungen mit einer Höhe von bis zu 3,1 m (10'-2"). Die Konstruktion des Modells 3030 besteht aus Paneelen mit einer Dicke von 3 5/8" [92], die aus einer haltbaren Rolle hergestellt sind Geformter Stahlrahmen und Standard-Stahlhäute für maximale Haltbarkeit und Schallkontrolle. Optional sind auch akustische Substratplattenhäute erhältlich.

    » Benutzerdefinierte Header-Panels
    » Eingebettete Header-Optionen
    » Eingebettete vertikale Pfostenoptionen
    » Akustische Modelle verfügbar

    • Unispan

      (Available for Hinged Pair Operable Wall Systems)


      The following three (3) part specification offers the Standard and Optional features for the Unispan Operable Wall System. The yellow highlighted areas in the specification indicate an Optional selection that is available based on your project requirements.

      Unispan for Hinged Pair Systems


      1.01 WORK INCLUDED

      A. Unispan System shall be furnished, installed, and serviced by Kwik-wall’s authorized distributor, in compliance with the architectural drawings and specifications contained herein.

      1.02 RELATED WORK

      A. Opening Preparation: Proper and complete preparation of the Unispan system opening shall be by others in accordance with ASTM E 557 and shall include floor leveling; plumbness of adjoining permanent walls; substrate and/or ceiling tile enclosures for the Kwik-Span system; and the painting and finishing of trim and other materials adjoining the head and jamb areas of the operable wall. Any deviation of site conditions contrary to approved shop drawings must be called to the attention of the architect.

      B. Insulation: Sound insulation and baffles for the plenum area above the Unispan system, under the permanent floor, inside air ducts passing over or around the operable wall, and in permanent walls adjoining the operable wall system shall be by others, in accordance with ASTM E 557.


      A. The Unispan system is a self-supporting truss system for use with operable partitions.


      A. The Unispan system shall be validated by calculations performed by a licensed professional engineer.

      B. The Unispan system shall be installed by Kwik-Wall's authorized distributor in accordance with ASTM E 557.

      1.05 SUBMITTALS

      A. Manufacturer shall provide prior to fabrication written technical information and related detail shop drawings, which demonstrate that the products comply with contract documents. Include elevations, sections, and details. Indicate dimensions, weights, conditions at openings and at storage areas.


      A. The truss is to be shipped in sections and assembled on site for custom assembly, which meets site conditions.

      B. Protection of the Unispan system after installation shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor.

      1.09 WARRANTY

      Manufacturer shall warrant each Unispan system and its component parts to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of ten (10) years from the date of delivery to the original purchaser when installed by an authorized KWIK-WALL distributor. (Contact your local KWIK-WALL Distributor or KWIK-WALL Company for complete warranty information.)



      A. Self-Supporting truss shall be a Unispan system as manufactured by KWIK-WALL Company. Manufacturers wishing to bid on products equal to the product specified must submit to the architect 10 days prior to bidding complete data in support of compliance. The submitting manufacturer guarantees the proposed substituted product complies with the performance items specified and as detailed in the drawings.

      B. Unispan to be manufactured in the USA by an American owned company.


      A. The supporting truss shall be factory fabricated of steel and aluminum.

      1. Unispan is attached to the building structure for lateral support only. The load of the truss and partition is supported by the Unispan column posts.

      2. Track. Hinged paired panel tracks accepting of Type 40 carriers must be integrated into the truss to allow Kwik-Wall operable partitions to be installed directly onto the system. The use of steel tube and I-beams is not allowed if threaded rods and track must be attached to these types of expandable truss systems.

      3. Posts. End columns shall be 2-1/2” x 5” [63.5 x 127] clear anodized aluminum posts. Posts shall be

      attached to the truss with steel brackets and bolts. Posts shall be anchored to the floor with concealed fasteners. Posts shall be located approximately 1-1/2” [38] from adjacent wall surfaces. The space between the post and the adjacent wall shall be fitted with a vinyl gasket to inhibit sound.

      4. Ceiling Anchors and sway bracing. Ceiling anchors provide lateral support and shall be set at intervals across the span of the beam. Blocking for ceiling anchors to be provided by others in accordance with the plans.

      B. System Weights

      1. The horizontal truss shall weigh 10-12 lbs. per lineal foot of width.

      2. The support columns shall weigh 3.5 lbs. per foot of height each.

      3. The floor shall support a maximum of 360 psi at each post.

      2.03 FINISHES

      A. Finish Material Type:

      1.Exposed trim and track shall be of clear anodized architectural grade extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6.

      2. Posts shall be of clear anodized architectural grade extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6.

      2.04 OPERATION

      A. Operation of panels installed in the Unispan system shall be (Select):

      1. Hinged Pairs, consisting of panels hinged together in groups of two (2) unless otherwise specified. Panels shall be top supported by one (1) carrier in each panel.

      B. See specifications for Kwik-Wall models 2000 and 3000 series models for panel operation details.

      C. The Kwik-Span system may be disassembled and moved to a similar space to adapt to the end user’s changing needs.


      A. Gypsum Side Panels (to cover sides of truss if it is below the ceiling).

      1. Color to be selected from partition manufacturer’s standard line.

      2. Fabric color to be selected from Kwik-Wall’s standard line.

      3. Carpet color to be selected from Kwik-Wall’s standard line.

      4. Wood Veneer color to be selected from Kwik-Wall’s standard line.

      5. High-Pressure Laminate color to be selected from Kwik-Wall’s standard line.

      6. Unfinished for field finishing



      A. The Unispan system shall be installed by a Kwik-Wall authorized distributor.

      B. The Unispan shall be installed in accordance with Kwik-Wall’s written instructions, shop drawings, and ASTM E 557 installation guidelines.


      A. The Unispan system shall be adjusted and cleaned in accordance with Kwik-Wall’s written instructions.

      For additional information contact:

      KWIK-WALL Company

      4650 Industrial Ave.

      Springfield, Illinois 62703

      Phone: 217-522-5553 or 800-280-5945 (United States and Canada only)

      Fax: 217-522-1170 or 800-290-5945 (United States and Canada only)




      Due to ongoing research and development, some variations may occur in product specifications.


    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummer2030_Kwik-Wall_Unispan_U900
    • ProduktfamilieOperable Partitions
    • ProduktgruppeOperable Walls
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2024-02-01
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (Inches)122
    • Breite (Inches)48
    • Tiefe (Inches)4
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • Hergestellt inUSA
    • Nettogewicht (lbs)8
    • BIMobject KategorieWände - Falt- und Schiebewände
    • IFCClassificationWand
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeSs_25_12_65
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungPanel partition systems
    • Klassifizierung10 22 39
    • Format2014TitelFolding Panel Partitions
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeC1010
    • CSIUniFormatIITitlePartitions

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