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Collection Uptown colour White Floor Tiles

Collection Uptown colour White Floor Tiles

Natural stone is a key trend in interior design thanks to the beauty of its finishes and its broad-ranging styles. It can be used to create layouts with interplaying features or faded effects, all to stylish natural effect. Given all this, Keraben has extended its range of stone-effect wall and floor tiles, uniting all the properties of ceramic tiles with the beauty of stone. The UPTOWN collection by Keraben offers a new take on stone-effect porcelain tiles in a variety of different formats, while also incorporating four new shades of colour: White, Beige, Grey and Black. The collection is inspired by New York, with its emblematic stone buildings, tree-lined streets and trendy restaurants. All the charm of Manhattan - a district full of museums, classy stores and big residential avenues - is encapsulated in its innovative stone-effect tiles.
  • Floor Tile: 60x60: White, White 20mm, Beige, Beige 20mm, Grey, Grey 20mm, Black. 150x75: White, Beige, Grey. 150x37: White, White Concept, Beige, Beige Concept, Grey, Grey Concept. 75x75 White, White Antislip, White 20mm, White Model, Beige, Beige Antislip, Beige 20mm, Beige Model, Grey, Grey Antislip, Grey 20mm, Grey Model, Black, Black Model. 75x37: White, White Antislip, Beige, Beige Antislip, Grey, Grey Antislip, Black. Skirting: 8x60: White, Beige, Grey, black. 8x75: White, Beige, Grey, black. Technical Issues: Colored Body Porcelain Base Mate Anti-freeze Rectificated Sides Destonification: Product with very High Shade Variation (V4) Traffic: High Traffic (Uso 5)
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummeruptown_white_pavimentos
  • ProduktfamilieFloor Tiles
  • ProduktgruppeUptown
  • TypBaumaterial
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2017-09-25
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialKeramik
  • Entwickelt inSpanien
  • Hergestellt inSpanien
  • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Fliesen
  • IFCClassificationBelag
  • UNSPSCNameTiles and flagstones
  • UNSPSCCode301317
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_35_93_96_19
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungCeramic tiles
  • Klassifizierung09 30 13
  • Format2014TitelCeramic Tiling
  • OmniClassNummer23-15 17 13 13 13
  • OmniClassTitelCeramic Tile Flooring
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeC30