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Grohtherm SmartControl 2-way thermostatic mixer

Grohtherm SmartControl 2-way thermostatic mixer

Grohtherm SmartControl 2-Wege-Thermostatbatterie
  • external part for built-in body GROHE Rapido SmartBox art. 35 600/35 604 GROHE FastFixation installation system SmartControl button control of users: start/stop and control of water flow from limited GROHE Water Saving mode to full flow interchangeable utility symbols GROHE TurboStat thermostatic element GROHE ProGrip (knurled surface for easy grip) GROHE SafeStop, graduated knob to set the temperature with safety lock at 38° GROHE Safe Stop Plus optional temperature limiter at 43°C / 46°C included stop gasket and filters Outputs can be activated simultaneously without pre-assembly kit flow capacity: outlet B = 24 l/min outlet C = 26 l/min outlet B+C = 29 l/min REFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE TRADITIONAL CHANNEL
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummer29507KF0
  • ProduktfamilieGrohtherm SmartControl
  • ProduktgruppeGrohtherm SmartControl
  • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2024-09-04
  • Editionsnummer1
  • HauptmaterialChrom
  • Sekundär MaterialChrom
  • Entwickelt inDeutschland
  • Hergestellt inDeutschland
  • BIMobject KategorieSanitär und Bad - Wasserhahn und Mischbatterie

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