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Ceresit ETICS Aquastatic Wool System
Ceresit ETICS Aquastatic Wool System
Ceresit ETICS Aquastatic Wool System

    Ceresit ETICS Aquastatic Wool System


    Isoliert und widersteht Wasser- und Feuchtigkeitseinflüssen

    Ein dampfdurchlässiges System, basierend auf einer Mineralwolle-Isolierung. Besonders empfehlenswert für Gebäude, in denen ein fortschrittlicheres Dämmsystem den Auswirkungen von Wasser und Feuchtigkeit besser standhält.

    • System features:

      • Dirt and water uptake resistant
      • Vapour permeable and hydrophobic
      • Resistant to biological contamination like fungi and algae
      • Flexible and durable
      • Resistant to thermal stresses and cracks
      • Excellent application parameters
      • Colors: NCS, RAL, Color of nature


      ETA 09/0026 of 30/06/2023

      System components:

      1. Fixing*: Ceresit CT 180 MW Strong Fix Adhesive Mortar for Mineral Wool or Ceresit CT 190 MW Flex Adhesive and Reinforcing Mortar for Mineral Wool, anchors with a steel core classified as ETAG 014, number of fasteners and their arrangement should be determined by an architect, based on the substrate analysis and load calculations.

      2. Insulation material: Mineral wool boards or lamella classified as EN 13162, with thickness up to 36 cm.

      3. Reinforced layer*: Ceresit CT 190 MW Flex Adhesive and Reinforcing Mortar for Mineral Wool and Ceresit CT 325 glass fibre mesh.

      4. Priming paint: Ceresit CT 16 Priming paint.

      5. Plaster: Ceresit CT 174, CT 175 Silicate-Silicone Aquastatic, silicate-silicone plasters.

      6. Paint: Ceresit CT 48 Silicone Self Clean, silicone paint; Ceresit CT 49 Nanosilicone Reno, nano-silicone paint.

      *Optionally you can use as an adhesive and rendering mortars CT80 covered by ETA Ceresit Ceretherm Universal MW.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerfacade-etics-ceresit-aquastatic-wool-system
    • ProduktfamilieCeresit Façade ETICS
    • ProduktgruppeAquastatic Wool System
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-12-18
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialMineralwolle
    • Sekundär MaterialSilikon
    • BIMobject KategorieWände - Außenwände
    • IFCClassificationWand
    • UNSPSCNameSiding and exterior wall materials
    • UNSPSCCode301518
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeSs_25_25_95_28
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungExternal wall sheathing systems
    • OmniClassNummer23-13 25 19 11
    • OmniClassTitelSlab and Board Thermal Insulation
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeB2010
    • CSIUniFormatIITitleExterior Walls

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