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Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation
Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation

    Deck Roofing system Parafor Solo GFM and PIR Insulation

    Abdichtungsbahn über Isolierung und Stahldeck. Einlagiges Abdichtungssystem mit SBS-Elastomerbitumengranulat zur mechanischen Befestigung. SBS-Elastomerbitumen-Abdichtungsbahn, die speziell für Einschichtsysteme entwickelt wurde. Zuverlässige und leichtere Verklebung durch patentierte geriffelte Unterseite A Sichere Überlappung durch aufgeritzte Schmelzfolie auf der Webkante (Siplast Icopal-Patent) A Hohe Riss- und Stichfestigkeit, hohe Elastizität durch SBS-Elastomerbitumen A Zahlreiche Farben erhältlich
    • One layer, easy to apply with mechanical fixings along the selvedge. Easy and reliable torching of the side overlaps due to the scarified fusible film (patented system). When reroofing, removal of the existing waterproofing system is not necessary. High resistance to cracking, puncturing and pull-off. Wide range of colours for the granule surfacing. NOx-Activ depolluting membrane version available: with slate flake covered with Noxite (titanium dioxide). Parafor Solo GFM application MAIN USES Coloured granule finished single-plywaterproofing system: on steel deck with insulation complying with professional standards; on timber boarding, exterior grade particle board or plywood; on substrates or concrete and masonry slab complying with professional standards (slope = 1%); on cellular concrete slabs; on waterproofing substrates, consisting of bearing elements (other than steel); on thermal insulation boards: polyurethane boards surfaced with non woven glass fibre mat, mineral wool panels, cellulose perlite panels, all in compliance with their Agrément Certificates or similar approvals; on old waterproofing membranes following preparation work as required. DESCRIPTION Single-layer membrane in SBS elastomeric bitumen. Polyester reinforcement: 180 gr/m² Surfacing with mineral coloured granules or slates. Thickness: 4 mm at selvedge. Side laps with scarified fusible film (Siplast patent) for a safer and easier torch-welding. Graduated guide-line along the selvedge, for a correct positioning of the fixings. APPLICATIONS Screw the mechanical fixings onto the side-laps, along the graduated guide-line. Fully torch the 12 cm wide overlaps.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerBMI-Parafor-Solo-Insulation-Deck
    • ProduktfamilieFLAT ROOF
    • TypObjekt (einzelnes Objekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2018-11-12
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (mm)154
    • Breite (mm)1000
    • Tiefe (mm)1000
    • HauptmaterialBitumen
    • Sekundär MaterialPolyester
    • Entwickelt inFrankreich
    • Hergestellt inFrankreich
    • Nettogewicht (kg)24.2
    • BIMobject KategorieKonstruktionselemente - Dachelemente
    • IFCClassificationDach
    • UNSPSCNameRoll roofing
    • UNSPSCCode30151501
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeSs_30_40_30
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungFlat roof covering systems
    • OmniClassNummer23-13 39 23
    • OmniClassTitelFlat Roofing
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeB1020
    • CSIUniFormatIITitleRoof Construction

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