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BOOST'R HYBRID  insulation

BOOST'R HYBRID insulation

BOOST'R HYBRID ist eine reflektierende, atmungsaktive Membran mit integrierter Wärmeleistung zur Verwendung auf der kalten Seite der Bausubstanz in Dächern, Wänden und Zwischenböden. BOOST'R HYBRID bietet zwei Eigenschaften in einem einzigen Produkt: Eine atmungsaktive Membran und Isolierung, wodurch die Anzahl der Installationsschritte reduziert und gleichzeitig die Dicke der Hauptisolierung reduziert werden kann, um den gleichen erforderlichen U-Wert zu erreichen. Es kann in Verbindung mit jeder Art von Isolierung verwendet werden. BOOST'R HYBRID ist in Rollen von 10 m2 (1500 mm breit) und 35 mm dick erhältlich.
  • BOOST'R HYBRID is a thin multifoil insulation with built-in breather membrane function. The product is composed of 9 layers, including a watertight reflective breather membrane, polyester wadding layers and perforated coated metal polyolefin films. BOOST'R HYBRID is typically installed as a breathable membrane above rafters in a roof, on the outside face of walls and under suspended timber floor joists. The product should be installed in a continuous layer to guarantee contiguous insulation, airtightness and water tightness. BOOST’R HYBRID is not intended to be used alone without weather protection (e.g. roof tiles). Product features: - Thickness: 35mm - Weight: 650g/m² - Declared thermal performance: Core thermal resistance: 1.35 m²K/W Thermal resistance with 2 air cavities of 20mm (heat flow horizontal): 2.4 m²K/W Declared emissivity: 0.05 (inner layer) and 0.31 (outer layer) - Water vapour resistance: 0.55MNs/g (overall product) 0.25MNs/g (breather membrane component) - Water tightness: W1 - Air permeability: Airtight - Fire rating: NPD - Roll size: 1.5 x 6.70m - Area: 10m²/roll - Non-hazardous with no special requirements for installation or disposal of waste - Life expectancy: The product is expected to remain effective for the service life of the building provided that it is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and certification. Uniclass Code: Pr_25_57_06_57 Multifoil Blanket Insulation BOOST’R HYBRID is CE-marked in accordance with EN13859-1/2. BOOST’R HYBRID has been designed for and fully tested in accordance with the EN 16012 standard for reflective insulation, including the application of 90/90. In accordance with BS5534 BOOST’R HYBRID is suitable for all wind zones (1-5) throughout the UK. All testing of the product has been carried out by accredited independent test houses including VTT Expert Services Ltd. The product has been tested in-situ according to ISO9869 by Glasgow Caledonian University. BOOST’R HYBRID has been awarded LABC and LABSS Registered Detail, is accepted by NHBC and holds BM Trada Q-mark.
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerboostrhybrid
  • ProduktfamilieInsulation
  • ProduktgruppeMultifoil blanket Insulation
  • TypBaumaterial
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2016-11-10
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Höhe (mm)6700
  • Breite (mm)1500
  • Tiefe (mm)35
  • HauptmaterialPolyethylen
  • Sekundär MaterialAluminium
  • Entwickelt inFrankreich
  • Hergestellt inFrankreich
  • BIMobject KategorieBaumaterialien - Isolierungen und Dämmungen
  • IFCClassificationBauteil
  • UNSPSCNameInsulation
  • UNSPSCCode3014
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_25_57_06_57
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungMultifoil blanket insulation

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