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ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam
ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam

    ZINC roofing - Structural roof standing seam


    Das Bausystem kombiniert eine Stehfalzdacheindeckung im Wesentlichen aus QUARTZ-ZINK PLUS mit einer starren Mineralwolldämmung, die auf Tragkonstruktionen aus Stahl, Holz oder Beton verlegt wird.

    Lieferung in zu profilierenden Rollen oder auf Anfrage in vorgeformten Streifen.

    QUARTZ-ZINC PLUS (Oberflächenaspekte auf Anfrage: ANTHRA-ZINC PLUS, PIGMENTO PLUS, Natural Zinc PLUS, AZENGAR PLUS)

    • Destination:
      Hot cover for local low to medium humidity.
      Hot cover for tropical countries (high external hygrometry).

      Roof types:
      Flat roof with slope ≥ 5% and ≤ 173%, arched roofs with parallel edges.

      Allowed support:
      Ribbed steel sheet (according to D.T.U 43.3 or CSTB booklet No. 3537), Concrete (according to D.T.U. 20.12 and D.T.U. 43.1), Solid wood or wood-based panel (according to D.T.U. 43.4 or Favorable Technical Notice).

      All regions wind altitude ≤ 900 m.

      The choice by a professional of a VMZINC® product of VM Building Solutions must integrate the possible constraints of use according to the aspect of surface considered. Each aspect of zinc surface can change over time in different ways depending on the type of environment (seaside, high UV exposure, snow, etc.) and according to the applications (cover, facade, rain evacuation).

      The use of the chosen aspect may not be suitable for certain applications in the context of very aggressive environmental constraints.

      It is recommended, if necessary, to consult the VM Building Solutions services for further information.

      Special conditions:
      No application in cladding or soffit.

      Protective lacquer on the internal side: 60 microns on the underside (process by lacquering the inner side).

    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerToiture-Structurale-VMZINC
    • ProduktfamilieCouverture
    • ProduktgruppeVMZINC ROOFING
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2018-07-25
    • Editionsnummer2
    • HauptmaterialMetall
    • Sekundär MaterialIsolierung
    • Entwickelt inFrankreich
    • Hergestellt inFrankreich
    • BIMobject KategorieKonstruktionselemente - Dachelemente
    • IFCClassificationDach
    • UNSPSCNameRoofing materials
    • UNSPSCCode301515
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeSs_30_40_50_95
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungZinc sheet roof covering systems
    • Klassifizierung07 41 13
    • Format2014TitelMetal Roof Panels
    • OmniClassNummer23-13 39 11 11
    • OmniClassTitelExterior Metal Roof Panels
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeB3010
    • CSIUniFormatIITitleRoof Coverings

    Verfügbarkeit in den Regionen
