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Siniat Nida wall 150A100
Siniat PL

Siniat Nida wall 150A100

The interior walls are used to separate the individual rooms in the building and, depending on their functions, they meet stringent requirements in terms of statics, acoustics and fire protection. Partition walls are mostly made of drywall systems of profiles with different width dimensions: 50, 75 or 100 mm with a single or double layer of plasterboard or cement board. The materials used to make partition walls have important properties, such as acoustic insulation, fire insulation and moisture resistance; they also must be easy to install and remove to ensure the highest comfort of the room.

Nida 150A100 is a partition with Nida Plasterboards sheating (2x12,5mm - both sides) on a parallel structure made of C100 profiles. Its a standard partition with different performance (depends on the used plasterboard)

  • 150 mm thick partition wall on NIDA C100 steel structure with 2x12.5 mm thick double-sided plasterboard layer. Maximum wall height 6500 mm.
    System's properties depending on used panel types:
    • NIDA 150A100/Expert: weight 36.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=58dB; fire resistance EI60.
    • NIDA 150A100/Woda: weight 39.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=58dB; fire resistance EI60.
    • NIDA 150A100/Ogien+: weight 44.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=59dB; fire resistance EI120.
    • NIDA 150A100/WodaOgien+: weight 44.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=59dB; fire resistance EI120.
    • NIDA 150A100/Twarda: weight 55.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=62dB; fire resistance EI120.
    • NIDA 150A100/Hydro: weight 47.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=59dB; fire resistance EI120.
    • NIDA 150A100/Cicha: weight 55.0 kg/m2; sound insluation RW=63dB; fire resistance EI120.
Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummer150A100_wall
  • ProduktfamilieWände
  • ProduktgruppePartition walls
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2017-09-20
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Tiefe (mm)150
  • HauptmaterialGips
  • Sekundär MaterialStahl
  • Entwickelt inPolen
  • Hergestellt inPolen
  • BIMobject KategorieWände - Innen- und Trennwände
  • IFCClassificationWand
  • UNSPSCNameGypsum board
  • UNSPSCCode30161509
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeSs_25_10_30_35
  • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungGypsum board partition systems
  • Klassifizierung10 22 00
  • Format2014TitelPartitions
  • OmniClassNummer23-15 11 11 11
  • OmniClassTitelGypsum Board Fixed Partitions
  • CSIUniFormatIICodeC1010
  • CSIUniFormatIITitlePartitions