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Tripplo+ PP-HM (High Modulus Polypropylene) Pipe

Tripplo+ PP-HM (High Modulus Polypropylene) Pipe

TRIPPLO+ is a high strength pipe made of high modulus PPHM polypropylene with a triple layer wall for the construction of sewage systems. The joint system used has a high hydraulic seal common to all RICCINI products in the sector, of a socket type with pre-inserted elastomeric gasket and oriented according to the direction of flow. This type of joint ensures very high performance with regard to the ability to resist any overpressure of the fluid conveyed internally as well as against infiltration from the outside attributable, for example, to the presence of aquifers surrounding the installation. In addition, the TRIPPLO+ gasket is equipped with a rigid inner ring in PP to prevent slippage during installation operations. The production process also makes it possible to make the socket in a triple layer, ensuring that the SN rigidity class is maintained even in the joint section (considering the overlapping of the shank and socket, in the section considered the SN class is, in fact, almost doubled). The particularly high performance characteristics are due to the use of a raw material such as PPHM, combined with the three-layer design of the walls, which makes it possible to optimise and implement the specific characteristics of the individual walls, obtaining a whole greater than the sum of the individual parts. The resistance is very important even at extreme temperatures, which allows TRIPPLO+ to be suitable for installation even at -10°C. Durability, abrasion resistance, ease and speed of installation, as well as the possibility of being cracked and micro-cracked, are combined with versatility and allow the product to be used in sectors such as viaduct or landfill applications (see also special). TRIPPLO+ is non-toxic and environmentally friendly and respects the balance of the subsoil. Colour: external red-brown RAL 8023, internal white to facilitate video inspections. This type of joint ensures very high performance in terms of the ability to withstand any overpressure of the fluid conveyed internally as well as in regards to infiltrations from the outside attributable, for example, to the presence of groundwater surrounding the installation. In addition, the TRIPPLO + gasket is equipped with an internal rigid PP ring to prevent slipping during installation operations. In line with its corporate philosophy which pays particular attention to environmental and ecological issues, Riccini S.r.l. has developed, starting from TriPPlo +, the TriPPlo + PSV pipe, which has the intermediate layer made of second-life plastic, PSV, i.e. a mixture with a minimum content of 60% of polymer derived from production waste from PPHM pipes and fittings. In this way, corporate projects related to growth and the implementation of circular economies, essential for achieving acceptable levels of sustainability for the modern plastics processing industry, find concrete application. The two versions of the tube are totally interchangeable and equivalent in terms of performance and design, as well as compliance with regulations, so much so that, apart from those specific to second-life plastics, the two tubes share the same brands.
  • RANGE: 8 KN / m2 series: DN / OD 125 mm ÷ 500 mm in bars of 6 – 3 – 1 m + cup 12 KN / m2 series: DN / OD 160 mm ÷ 500 mm in bars of 6 – 3 – 1 m + cup Serie1 6 KN / m2: DN / OD 160 mm ÷ 500 mm in bars of 6 – 3 – 1 m + cup Fittings and special parts: DN / OD 125 mm ÷ 500 mm Joint: smooth socket with housing for pre-inserted elastomeric gasket oriented according to the direction of flow, equipped with rigid PP fixing ring, to prevent slipping during the installation phase. SPECIFICATION: EN 13476-2:2020 (TriPPlo+ e TriPPlo+ PSV) UNI EN 13476-2:2020 (TriPPlo+ e TriPPlo+ PSV) S.T. Mod.1.1/1 (TriPPlo+ e TriPPlo+ PSV) NF 13476-2:2020 (TriPPlo+) BRANDS: iiP-UNI PiiP IPPR – PSV (Second Life Plastic)
Technische Spezifikation
  • ReferenznummerTripplo-S
  • ProduktfamilieSEWER NETWORKS
  • ProduktgruppeSEWER NETWORKS
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2024-01-16
  • Editionsnummer1
  • Hergestellt inItalien
  • BIMobject KategorieSanitärinstallationen - Rohre
  • IFCClassificationRohrverbindung
  • OmniClassNummer23-27 43 00
  • OmniClassTitelPipe Fittings