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STICK Bollard
STICK Bollard
STICK Bollard
STICK Bollard
STICK Bollard

    STICK Bollard

    A bollard in injected concrete by perfect volume: a parallelepiped which recalls, by primitive shapes and sharp edges, monuments of civilization disappeared. The light is projected through cuts and inclined planes. STICK is suitable for illuminating pedestrian pathways and footpaths of modern constructions.

    • Injected concrete body. Product with no visible screws. Completely hidden ground fixing flange in AISI 316L stainless steel. PMMA transparent diffuser.

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerstick_bollard
    • ProduktfamilieSTICK
    • ProduktgruppeSTICK Bollard
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2019-06-07
    • Editionsnummer1
    • Höhe (mm)550
    • Breite (mm)90
    • Tiefe (mm)90
    • HauptmaterialBeton
    • Entwickelt inItalien
    • Hergestellt inItalien
    • BIMobject KategorieBeleuchtungselemente - Außenbeleuchtung

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