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BDL2105X/00 Videowall Display
BDL2105X/00 Videowall Display
BDL2105X/00 Videowall Display

    BDL2105X/00 Videowall Display


    Philips X-Linie

    Sinne anregen. Erlebnisse verbessern. Die Philips X-Line wurde von innen nach außen neu gestaltet, um Ihre Inhalte in eine hellere, schnellere und besser vernetzte Welt zu bringen.

    Das für den 24/7-Betrieb konzipierte Philips X-Line Videowall-Display fesselt die Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden mit seinen immersiven, bewegten Inhalten. CMND erleichtert die Verwaltung Ihrer Werbeaktionen und Einzelhandelsinhalte, während FailOver für mehr Sicherheit sorgt.

    • X-LINE

      Get the bigger pictureTiling mode

      Connect two or more Philips professional displays to create a tiled videowall—without the need for external devices. A single player takes care of content, whether you have four screens or 40. 4K content is fully supported, and if you’re showing that content on four screens you get the best possible dot-by-dot resolution.

      Optional CRD50 module

      Embed an Android System-on-Chip (SoC) into your Philips professional display. The optional CRD50 module is an OPS device that enables Android processing power without the need for cables. Simply slide into the OPS slot, which contains all the connections needed to run the module (including power supply).

      OPS Slot

      Integrate a full-power PC or Android-powered CRD50 module directly into your Philips professional display. The OPS slot contains all the connections you need to run your slot-in solution, including a power supply.

      Pure Colour Pro

      Boost image quality with Pure Colour Pro. Delivering higher luminance through custom colour temperature settings and advanced gamma calibration, content looks crisper and more radiant for stunning realism with a visual pop.

      CMND & Control

      Run your display network over a local (LAN or RF) connection. CMND & Control allows you to perform vital functions like updating software and settings, as well as monitoring display status. Whether you’re in charge of one display or more, CMND & Control makes managing your fleet easy.


      From waiting room to meeting room, never show a blank screen. FailOver lets your Philips professional display switch automatically between primary and secondary inputs, ensuring that content keeps playing even if the primary source goes down. Simply set a list of alternative inputs to be sure your business is always on

    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerbdl2105x-00-videowall-display
    • ProduktfamilieVideowall Displays
    • ProduktgruppeX-Line Series
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2023-03-13
    • Editionsnummer1
    • BIMobject KategorieElektronisches Zubehör - Kommunikationselemente
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodePr_40_30_25_23
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungDisplay screens
    • OmniClassNummer23-19 11 25
    • OmniClassTitelDisplay Screens

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