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IS.14 All Aluminum IMPACT Lift & Slide System
IS.14 All Aluminum IMPACT Lift & Slide System
IS.14 All Aluminum IMPACT Lift & Slide System
IS.14 All Aluminum IMPACT Lift & Slide System
IS.14 All Aluminum IMPACT Lift & Slide System

    IS.14 All Aluminum IMPACT Lift & Slide System


    Große Glasschiebetüren für den Innen- und Außenbereich bieten hervorragende Witterungsbeständigkeit. Das maßgeschneiderte Lift & Slide-Türsystem von Panda Windows & Doors ist eine Hurrikan-sichere Schiebetür aus Vollaluminium mit laminiertem, schlagfestem Glas. Dieses unten aufgehängte Glasschiebewandsystem ist das branchenweit beliebteste Design für hoch bewertete, zuverlässige Glas- und Metallschiebetürsysteme, bei denen Sie nicht auf eine weite Aussicht verzichten müssen, um vor Witterungseinflüssen geschützt zu sein.

    In geschlossener Position senkt sich unser firmeneigenes Dichtungssystem ab und versiegelt den Raum zwischen dem fertigen Boden und dem Schieber. Dies bietet den perfekten Schutz gegen das Eindringen von Luft und Wasser! Diese luxuriöse Schiebetür ist für Hurrikane und Stöße geeignet und in verschiedenen Sonderausführungen erhältlich, darunter langlebige Ausführungen, die speziell für Küstengebiete entwickelt wurden.

    Für nahezu jede Anforderung stehen mehrere Schienenoptionen zur Verfügung, darunter eine barfußfreundliche, versenkte 3/16-Zoll-Abflussschiene. Das hoch bewertete Hebe- und Schiebesystem IS.14 bietet den nahtlosen Übergang von drinnen nach draußen, den anspruchsvolle Kunden verlangen.

    • Features:

      The IS.14 Impact Lift & Slide System is custom made to order with a large variety of options available.

      System Overview: Designed to comply with stringent Florida Building Codes TAS 201; TAS 202; and TAS 203; and U.S. building regulations from wind-borne debris areas outside the high velocity hurricane zone (HVHZ), the IS.14 features superior components that can endure large missile and hurricane impact. This system permits oversized panels to withstand Category 5 Hurricanes, tropical storms, high winds and driving rain, while standing up to coastal pressures such as corrosion, humidity and salt.

      Testing simulations made on the (IS.14) Impact Lift and Slide system by a third party company resulted in outstanding results with structural loads at 100 psf, water infiltration at 20 psf, and air infiltration at 1.57 psf for a large 5′ x 10’ system and even larger 5′ x 12’ model. With these results, Panda becomes the only manufacturer in the industry with the ability to craft large-sized panels while providing ultimate performance and weather protection.

      Maximum Panel Height: Up to 14 feet or up to 20 feet with a true divider.

      Maximum Panel Width: Up to 5 feet.

      Panel Weight: Approximately 7 to 8 lbs/sqft depending on overall panel size.

      Number of Panels: Countless panel groups can be built.

      Profiles: Manufactured from 6063-T5 extruded aluminum with a profile thickness of 2 3/4″ allowing for oversized panels.

      Rail & Stiles: Narrow 4 1/2” stile and rail profiles for maximum view and minimal obstruction.

      System Configurations Available: Systems can pocket to left or right, and can stack to left and/or right. Straight, 45° and 90° zero-post corner configurations are available.

      Glazing: Laminated impact resistant glass, either ½” monolithic or 1 3/8” double insulating glass. Optional integrated blinds are available.

      Weather-stripping: The entire door system has specially designed EPDM V-type gaskets and dense felt brushes to create a totally closed weather sealed system.

      Bottom Track Options:

      All weight is carried on the bottom track, the top track serves as a guide.

      Trench Depth: Min. 2 1/2″

      • ADA Compliant Standard Track. Recessed into sub-floor to ensure the smoothest possible operation. The finished floor is laid in between tracks leaving only a 3/16″ rail exposed. A virtually unobstructed threshold from the interior to the exterior area for a “barefoot” friendly passage.
      • ADA Compliant Track with drainage. In addition to the above features, this track has a weep channel for increased security against water infiltration. Panda holds a patent for the drainage technology used in this track.

      Trench Depth: Min. 1 1/4″

      • ADA Compliant 1 1/4″ in track. Recessed into sub-floor to ensure the smoothest possible operation, this track features a shallower recess than the two tracks mentioned above and is leveled with stack shims instead of all-threads. The finished floor is laid in between tracks leaving only a 3/16″ rail exposed. A virtually unobstructed threshold from the interior to the exterior area for a “barefoot” friendly passage.
      • ADA Compliant 1 1/4″ in track with drainage. In addition to the features mentioned for the previous track, this one has a weep channel for increased security against water infiltration. Panda holds a patent for the drainage technology used in this track.

      Trench Depth: Mounts on floor

      • ADA Compliant Surface Track. It is used in situations where recessing is not possible. This low 3/16″ track mounts directly to the finished floor. For best operation, floor must be smooth and level.

      Header Track:

      • The header track features adjustable shims from 1/2 ″ to 1″ depending on type of bottom track and finished floor thickness.
      • The header track widths are 4″ for one panel, 7″ for two panels, 10″ for three panels, and 13″ for four panels approximately. Trench width should be taken into account when planning rough header construction.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • Referenznummerpanda-is14
    • ProduktfamilieDoors
    • ProduktgruppeLift & Slide
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2015-07-24
    • Editionsnummer1
    • HauptmaterialAluminium
    • Entwickelt inUSA
    • Hergestellt inUSA
    • BIMobject KategorieTüren - Schiebetüren
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015CodeAc_15_50_25
    • Classifications.Uniclass2015BeschreibungDoors, windows and glazing surveying
    • OmniClassNummer23-17 11 13 19
    • OmniClassTitelSliding Metal Doors
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeB2030
    • CSIUniFormatIITitleExterior Doors

    Verfügbarkeit in den Regionen

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