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Access Control - Swing Gate door entry system

Access Control - Swing Gate door entry system

4.1 out of 5 stars4.1(7 reviews)

Swing Gate: Türöffnungssysteme
Kombinierbar mit anderen Geräten wie Drehkreuzen und Schnellstraßen, um die Installation mit einem Zugangskontrollsystem auszustatten, das an Benutzer mit besonderen Bedürfnissen angepasst ist.

  • SWING GATE: access control with swing panels

    Combinable with other equipment such as turnstiles and speed lanes, in order to provide the installation with  an access control system adapted to users with special needs.

    Main characteristics:
    Combinable with other devices such as turnstiles and slim gates in order to provide the installation the access control adapted to users special needs (people with reduced mobility or small goods).
    Transparency and sophistication.
    High comfort level for the user.
    Wide range of stainless steel and glass panel versions.
    Adaptable to any architectonic project.
    Wide range of accessories: fingerprint reader, biometric reader, face access control, digital fingerprint reader.
    With 650 mm swing panel: 700 mm passage width
    With 900 mm swing panel: 950 mm passage width
    With 1.100 mm swing panel: 1.150 mm passage width

Technische Spezifikation
  • Referenznummerswing_gate
  • ProduktfamilieACCESS CONTROL
  • ProduktgruppeSWING GATE
  • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum2020-02-21
  • Editionsnummer1
  • BIMobject KategorieTüren - Sicherheitstüren und -Türelemente
  • IFCClassificationTür
  • UNSPSCNameGate barrier systems
  • UNSPSCCode46161510
  • OmniClassNummer23-29 13 23
  • OmniClassTitelAccess Control Turnstiles

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