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    Skift, a comfortable armchair with compact measurement but still with the best sitting experience. Perfect for places with limited space where you will have a chair with private space and great look. Seat and backrest as two parts give freedom of choice for material so Skift can be customized for every use and taste. Distance between seat and backrest gives also open design and practical use. All polstered details is in moulded wood that gives long term use and is environment-friendly. Armrest high enough for max comfort but even low enough so you can slide the chair under most tabletops. Steel base in white, black or chrome. Customized on request. Skift is also available with different variants of base, Skift Swivelling and Skift Wheel. Skift is also available in a more generous version called Skift Plus, Skift Plus 4, Skift Plus Swivelling, Skift Plus Wheel and Skift Plus Wood. The latest additions to the Skift family is the Skift Lounge and Skift Sofa.
    Technische Spezifikation
    • ReferenznummerSkift
    • ProduktfamilieFurniture
    • ProduktgruppeSkift
    • TypObjekt (Einzelobjekt)
    • Veröffentlichungsdatum2020-10-28
    • Editionsnummer1
    • BIMobject KategorieMöbel - Stühle, Hocker und Bänke
    • IFCClassificationMöbel
    • UNSPSCNameFurniture and Furnishings
    • UNSPSCCode56
    • Klassifizierung12 50 00
    • Format2014TitelFurniture
    • OmniClassNummer23-21 23 00
    • OmniClassTitelResidential Furniture and Equipment
    • CSIUniFormatIICodeE