The RASAN brand siphonic manholes for sanitation are manufactured in PE using the rotational moulding technique.
The technical characteristics of the polyethylene used in the manufacture of these pits are as follows:
The technical characteristics of the polyethylene used in the manufacture of these pits are as follows:
Density: 940 Kg.
Density: 940 Kg / m3
Density: 940 Kg / m3
Extension at break (90 mm / min):> 400%
Extension at rupture (90 mm / min):> 400%
Tensile strength (50 mm / min): 21 Mpa
Tensile strength (50 mm / min): 21 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity (2 mm / min): 910 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity (2 mm / min): 910 Mpa
Hardness: 54 EDGE D
Flowability (190ºC, 2,16Kg): 3,4 g / 10min
Flowability index (190ºC, 2,16Kg): 3,4 g / 10min
Coefficient of linear expansion: 0.155 mm / m / m ºC
Coefficient of linear expansion: 0.155 mm / m ºC
Softening temperature: 112ºC
Temperature of softening: 112ºC
Thermal conductivity: 0.35 Kcal / mhºC
Thermal conductivity: 0.35 Kcal / mhºC
Polyethylene is also perfectly resistant to all components of domestic and industrial wastewater and is resistant to most acids and aggressive substances (see table of resistance to chemical products).
The RASAN PE siphonic pits are manufactured in diameters 400, 315 and 250. The outlet located at the bottom of the pit in the shape of a pipe is what allows the siphonic function of the pit.
The pit is made of PE and has a diameter of 400, 315 and 250.
They are perfectly watertight pits, which prevent any infiltration of water into the ground or vice versa, making these pits ideal for ground with water tables and preventing the contamination of aquifers.
Tilgængelighed i region
Europa | Asien | Nordamerika | Afrika | Sydamerika | Oceanien |
Åland | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Ækvatorial Guinea | Argentina | Amerikansk Samoa |
Albanien | Armenien | Antigua og Barbuda | Algeriet | Bolivia | Australien |
Andorra | Aserbajdsjan | Aruba | Angola | Brasilien | Cook-øerne |
Belgien | Bahrain | Bahamas | Benin | Chile | Fiji |
Bosnien-Herzegovina | Bangladesh | Barbados | Botswana | Colombia | Fransk Polynesien |
Bulgarien | Bhutan | Belize | Burkina Faso | Ecuador | Guam |
Cypern | Brunei Darussalam | Bermuda | Burundi | Falkland-øerne (Islas Malvinas) | Kiribati |
Danmark | Cambodia | Canada | Cameroon | Fransk Guiana | Marshall-øerne |
Estland | Cocosøerne | Caribbean Netherlands | Cape Verde | Guyana | Mikronesien |
Færøerne | Det britiske territorium i Det Indiske Ocean | Caymanøerne | Chad | Paraguay | Nauru |
Finland | Filippinerne | Costa Rica | Comoros | Peru | New Zealand |
Frankrig | Forenede Arabiske Emirater | Cuba | Congo | Suriname | Niue |
Gibraltar | Georgien | Curaçao | Den centralafrikanske republik | Uruguay | Nordmarianerne |
Grækenland | Hong Kong | De britiske jomfruøer | Den demokratiske republik Congo | Venezuela | Norfolk |
Guernsey | Indien | Dominica | Djibouti | Ny Kaledonien | |
Holland | Indonesien | Dominikanske Republik | Egypten | Palau | |
Hviderusland | Irak | El Salvador | Elfenbenskysten | Papua Ny Guinea | |
Irland | Iran | Grenada | Eritrea | Pitcairn-øerne | |
Island | Israel | Grønland | Eswatini | Samoa | |
Isle of Man | Japan | Guadeloupe | Etiopien | Solomon-øerne | |
Italien | Jordan | Guatemala | Gabon | Timor-Leste | |
Jan Mayen | Juleøerne | Haiti | Gambia | Tokelau | |
Jersey | Kazakhstan | Honduras | Ghana | Tonga | |
Kroatien | Kina | Jamaica | Guinea | Tuvalu | |
Letland | Kuwait | Jomfruøerne | Guinea-Bissau | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Liechtenstein | Kyrgyzstan | Martinique | Kenya | Vanuatu | |
Litauen | Laos | Mexico | Lesotho | Wallis og Futuna | |
Luxembourg | Libanon | Montserrat | Liberia | ||
Malta | Macau | Nicaragua | Libyen | ||
Moldova | Malaysia | Panama | Madagascar | ||
Monaco | Maldiverne | Puerto Rico | Malawi | ||
Montenegro | Mongoliet | Saint Kitts og Nevis | Mali | ||
Nordmakedonien | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Lucia | Marokko | ||
Norge | Nepal | Saint Pierre og Miquelon | Mauritania | ||
Østrig | Nordkorea | Saint Vincent og Grenadinerne | Mauritius | ||
Polen | Oman | Saint-Barthélemy | Mayotte | ||
Portugal | Pakistan | Saint-Martin | Mozambique | ||
Rumænien | Palæstina | Sint Maarten | Namibia | ||
Rusland | Qatar | Trinidad og Tobago | Niger | ||
San Marino | Saudiarabien | Turks- og Caicosøerne | Nigeria | ||
Schweiz | Singapore | USA | Reunion | ||
Serbien | Sri Lanka | Rwanda | |||
Slovakiet | Sydkorea | Sankt Helena | |||
Slovenien | Syrien | São Tomé og Príncipe | |||
Spanien | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
Storbritannien | Tajikistan | Seychellerne | |||
Sverige | Thailand | Sierra Leone | |||
Tjekkiet | Turkmenistan | Somalia | |||
Tyskland | Tyrkiet | Sudan | |||
Ukraine | Uzbekistan | Sydafrika | |||
Ungarn | Vietnam | Sydsudan | |||
Vatikanstaten | Yemen | Tanzania | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunesien | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Vestsahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |