(MWW) Micro Wall Wash - WALL MOUNT

(MWW) Micro Wall Wash - WALL MOUNT

The narrow design makes the LED MWW ideal for applications demanding a compact fixture and narrow light beam to highlight vertical surfaces. The recessed installation hides the light source while providing uniform illumination of vertical surfaces and/or displays. The MWW is designed for grid or hard ceilings where ceiling access may be limited or restricted.

The LED MWW has a narrow (5¾”) design. Its recessed installation hides the light source while providing a uniform illumination of vertical surfaces and displays. With high performance and high efficiency and virtually maintenance free, this product has a 5-year warranty.

Please visit product site for more product downloads and published reports.

Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.lsi-mww
  • ProduktfamilieIndoor Lighting
  • ProduktgruppeWall Mount Interior
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Udgivelsesdato2016-04-28
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Højde (tommer)3.5
  • Dybde (tommer)5.75
  • Designet iUSA
  • Fremstillet iUSA
  • BIMobject-kategoriBelysning - Vægmonteret
  • IFC-klassifikationBelysningsarmatur
  • Uniclass 2015-kodeEF_70_80
  • Uniclass 2015-beskrivelseLighting

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