KNX Touch panel operating terminal

KNX Touch panel operating terminal

The touch panel (BGT) ensures comfortable operation, visualization and maintenance of a Griesser blinds control device. The touch panel is connected directly to the Griesser LINK. It is used to intuitively operate all the blinds in a building and display the status of the automatic functions. The contact-sensitive indicator enables the system to be directly operated and provides information about operation. The PC operating terminal can be used as an addition or alternative. It can be installed on a Windows PC or server connected to the Griesser blind control and offers the same options as the touch panel. The terminal server links the Griesser LINK with the ethernet/TCP-IP. It enables remote access to the solar shading central which makes it possible to remotely control the Griesser blinds control device. Remote control can take place over the internet or intranet. Using the Griesser Terminal Server and the configuration software (FlexTool), the solar shading central can be selected and reconfigured and events can be recorded. The user or a facility manager can thus access the system at any time independently of the building location. In addition, the Terminal Server offers the possibility of linking the Griesser control to a third-party system for communication via a Modbus/TCP interface.
  • BGT-UP - 5.7” graphic display - Master and group operation - Intuitive operation using sequences - Visualization of sensor and group statuses - for concealed installation
Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.knx_touch_panel_operating_terminal
  • ProduktfamilieControls
  • ProduktgruppeKNX
  • TypeObjekt (enkelt objekt)
  • Udgivelsesdato2017-03-30
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Designet iSchweiz
  • Fremstillet iSchweiz
  • BIMobject-kategoriVinduer - Vindues hardware
  • IFC-klassifikationVindue
  • UNSPSC-navnWindows
  • UNSPSC-kode301716
  • Uniclass 2015-kodePr_30_59_98
  • Uniclass 2015-beskrivelseWindow units
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014-kode08 50 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014-titelWindows
  • OmniClass-nummer23-17 13 11
  • OmniClass-betegnelseWindow Components 
  • CSI UniFormat II-kodeB2010
  • CSI UniFormat II-titelExterior Walls