Brick, Common, Grey, 65mm

Brick, Common, Grey, 65mm

Bricks are an ancient and traditional building material, used both for strength and appearance. Common bricks are made with basic brick clay,  molded into shape and fired or baked in a kiln. The color, hardness, durability and structure of bricks vary with the type of clay used, as well as with added materials such as silica, with the length of time fired and with the temperature of the firing.

Teknisk specifikation
  • Unik ref.Brick_Common_Grey_65
  • ProduktfamilieMaterials
  • ProduktgruppeBuilding materials
  • TypeByggematerialer
  • Udgivelsesdato2016-01-01
  • Udgavenummer1
  • Dybde (mm)65
  • Materiale primærtBrick
  • BIMobject-kategoriByggematerialer - Bricks & Blokke
  • IFC-klassifikationVæg
  • UNSPSC-navnBricks
  • UNSPSC-kode301316
  • Uniclass 2015-kodePr_20_93_52_15
  • Uniclass 2015-beskrivelseClay bricks
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014-kode04 21 13
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014-titelBrick Masonry
  • OmniClass-nummer23-13 21 00
  • OmniClass-betegnelseBlocks and Bricks
  • CSI UniFormat II-kodeB2010
  • CSI UniFormat II-titelExterior Walls