The VIVOTEK MS8391-EV is designed with multiple sensors providing higher resolution, maximizing the field of view and reducing the total number of security cameras required, thereby saving on the installation costs. Featuring 4 x 3MP CMOS sensors, the multiple sensor network camera can monitor full horizontal views and deliver high-quality comprehensive coverage, making it an ideal outdoor surveillance solution with sharper images for more details. Covering a wide angle of 180 degrees, the MS8391-EV provides complete video security with no dead angles.
By having Multiple Sensors with 12-Megapixel resolution, users can ePTZ across the entire panoramic image for detailed views. With the powerful 3D Noise Reduction and Smart Stream technology, the MS8391-EV can also optimize quality for desired regions to maximize efficiency of bandwidth usage.
Additionally, as a professional day/night camera, it adopts a Smart IR technology which prevents overexposure and provides noise reduction to adjust the IR lighting intensity instantaneously based on the changes of light in the ambient environment. Finally, the MS8391-EV is armed with a robust IP66 and IK10-rated housing to enable the multisensor camera to withstand rain and dust as well as to protect against vandalism or tampering.
Key FeaturesDostupnost regionu
Severní Amerika |
Anguilla |
Antigua a Barbuda |
Aruba |
Bahamy |
Barbados |
Belize |
Bermudské ostrovy |
Britské Panenské ostrovy |
Curaçao |
Dominika |
Dominikánská republika |
Gaudeloupe |
Grenada |
Grónsko |
Guatemala |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Jamajka |
Kajmanské ostrovy |
Kanada |
Karibské Nizozemsko |
Kostarika |
Kuba |
Martinik |
Mexiko |
Montserrat |
Nikaragua |
ostrovy Turks a Caicos |
Panama |
Pannenske Ostrovy |
Portoriko |
Saint-Pierre a Miquelon |
Salvador |
Spojené státy americké |
Svatá Lucie |
Svatý Bartoloměj |
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis |
Svatý Martin |
Svatý Martin |
Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny |
Trinidad a Tobago |