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Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]
Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]

    Sound Absorbing Panels "SOUNDMILD" SHIKI NATSU [ 四季 夏 ]

    Art panel using textile as the surface layer Lustrous silk and gorgeous gold and silver threads are used in abundance. The four seasons are expressed with high quality fabrics using weaving techniques of such high definition that they may be mistaken for photographs.
    • Double-layered structure allows us to combine complex colors and delicate patterns to create textiles with a three-dimensional feel. Can be ordered in small lots.

      Sound-absorbing interior materials that bring quality comfort to spaces

      ・Superior sound absorption in the mid-range, mainly at 500 Hz, improves voice clarity.

      ・Improves the sound environment through simple installation with magnets or SM plates.

      Panel size:W450㎜xH450㎜xD25㎜

      ※All products are made-to-order.

    Technická specifikace
    • Jedinečná ref. hodnotasoundmild_summer-tomiya
    • Skupina výrobkůArt panel
    • Skupina produktůSound Mild
    • TypObjekt
    • Datum zveřejnění2022-03-02
    • Číslo vydání1
    • Výška (mm)450
    • Šířka (mm)450
    • Hloubka (mm)25
    • Hlavní materiálTkanina
    • Vedlejší materiálSkelná vata
    • Navrženo vJaponsko
    • Vyrobeno vJaponsko
    • Kategorie objektu BIMNábytek - Interiérové umělecké prvky a dekorace

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