Performance CRU is a thin mil, high performance system with a gloss finish. This system is applied with two coats of epoxy and topcoated with Tennant CRU (Chemical Resistant Urethane). This system offers the best value for light stability and chemical resistance. Best applied during shut down applications and with proper ventilation.
Dostupnost regionu
Severní Amerika | Jižní Amerika |
Anguilla | Argentina |
Antigua a Barbuda | Bolívie |
Aruba | Chile |
Bahamy | Ekvádor |
Barbados | Falklandy (Malvíny) |
Belize | Francouzská Guyana |
Bermudské ostrovy | Guyana |
Britské Panenské ostrovy | Kolumbie |
Curaçao | Paraguay |
Dominika | Peru |
Dominikánská republika | Surinam |
Gaudeloupe | Uruguay |
Grenada | Venezuela |
Guatemala | |
Haiti | |
Honduras | |
Jamajka | |
Kajmanské ostrovy | |
Kanada | |
Karibské Nizozemsko | |
Kostarika | |
Kuba | |
Martinik | |
Mexiko | |
Montserrat | |
Nikaragua | |
ostrovy Turks a Caicos | |
Panama | |
Pannenske Ostrovy | |
Portoriko | |
Saint-Pierre a Miquelon | |
Salvador | |
Spojené státy americké | |
Svatá Lucie | |
Svatý Bartoloměj | |
Svatý Kryštof a Nevis | |
Svatý Martin | |
Svatý Martin | |
Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny | |
Trinidad a Tobago |