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Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range
Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range

Sun shade by Speed-Fix forks vertical installation and standing blades - Azur range

4.1 out of 5 stars4.1(8 reviews)
Blades of the Azur range are monobloc profiles (except for AS600x70 realized in 2 sections) with an ovoid «aerofoil» shape, in extruded aluminum. They are mainly used for: brise-soleil, screen and facade cladding. Finally, they are available in 13 different sections.
  • The brise-soleil Azur (with an application with Speed Fix) is composed of :
    ›› Support profiles with braces and caps ;
    ›› Blades’ support : Speed Fix ;
    ›› Ovoid «aerofoil» shape of blades ;
    ›› Caps.

    Type of support profile are defined after studies.
    Standard blade lengths are 4000, 5000 and 6000 mm (other lengths available upon request).

    The application type with Speed Fix provide a simple and quick way to install your brise-soleil :
    1) Caps are to be screwed at the ends of the blades ;
    2) The brackets equipped with blades’ supports Speed Fix (delivered preassembled) are to be fixed to the facade ;
    3) The braces are to be clipped in the brackets to hide the screws ;
    4) The blades are to be drilled and riveted to the blades’ supports Speed Fix (powdercoated rivets supplied) ;
    5) Assembly at the customer’s charge.

    The Speed Fix can be provided without brackets to be directly fixed to the facade or structural support.

Technická specifikace
  • Jedinečná ref. hodnotaTEL010004
  • Skupina výrobkůSolar shading
  • Skupina produktůBrise-soleil par fourchettes Speed-Fix pose verticale et lames debout
  • TypObjekt
  • Datum zveřejnění2019-11-25
  • Číslo vydání1
  • Hlavní materiálHliník
  • Vedlejší materiálHliník
  • Navrženo vFrancie
  • Vyrobeno vFrancie
  • Kategorie objektu BIMKonstrukce - Stínící Systémy
  • Construction - Shading Systems
  • UK.COBie.Type

Dostupnost regionu

Severní Amerika Evropa Jižní Amerika Oceánie Afrika
Francouzská Polynésie
Nová Kaledonie
Saint-Pierre a Miquelon
Wallis a Futuna
Svatý Bartoloměj
Svatý Martin